Pyburn Wellness Plan 2015-2016 Federal Public Law (PL 108.265 Section 204): The public law states that by the 1st day of the 2006 school year beginning after June 30, 2006 all schools must develop a local wellness policy that involves parents, students, and a representative from the School Food Authority, school board, school administrators, and the public. The Local Education Authority (LEA) will establish a plan for measuring the implementation of the local wellness policy. Mission Statement: Galena Park ISD shall prepare, adopt, and implement a comprehensive plan to encourage healthy eating and physical activity in order to prepare students to become healthy productive citizens and life long learners. Nutrition Education: o o o The CATCH program will be in the following areas: Health, Physical Education, and Nutrition. Students will be provided with healthy eating tips monthly. Teachers will be encouraged to integrate nutrition education across curriculums. Physical Education: o o o o o o Students will continue to participate in vigorous physical activities. Health lessons will be incorporated using the CATCH curriculum. Faculty, students, and community will be encouraged to participate in daily physical activities. Students in grades 3-5 will complete Fitness Gram Test. All students will be encouraged to participate in Jump Rope for Heart. Physical activity will not be used as a punishment. Nutrition Standards: o o o o The school lunch menu will be reviewed during morning routines. Faculty and staff will model healthy eating and appropriate conduct in the lunch room. School personnel will assist in developing the healthy practice of washing hands before eating. School will offer breakfast, lunch, and after school snacks (when applicable). Other School Related Activities: o o o o All parents will receive information on ways to improve nutrition and physical activity through the school newsletter, website, and by notes sent home. Parent involvement meetings that educate parents on student nutrition and physical activity related to the home. Students and staff will receive information and/or participate in wellness activities on a monthly basis. Teachers and staff will promote a healthy school environment that supports healthy choices.