The Implementation of Integrated Pest Management on Flue Cured Tobacco Cultivation in South Africa Lowveld Tobacco Growers Association Nelspruit, South Africa INTRODUCTION To develop and implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as an approach to crop protection of flue cured tobacco in South Africa INTRODUCTION IPM programme of the LTGA: Seedbed implementation Field applications Development and Implementation of an IPM Seedling Spray Programme PHASING-OUT METHYL BROMIDE Conventional seedbeds PERMANENT SEEDBEDS Trichoderma harzianum strains Chemical compatibility studies Effect on growth stimulation Disease control Fungicides Specific √ Broad spectrum Broad spectrum COMPATIBILITY STUDIES Trichoderma - Control Trichoderma - oxamyl Trichoderma - imidacloprid Trichoderma - metalaxyl Isolation of Trichoderma from roots Roots untreated Roots treated with Trichoderma IPM Seedbed: (imidacloprid) healthy and stronger Chemical programme (acephate) IPM SEEDLING SPRAY PROGRAMME (permanent seedbeds) GROWTH STIMULATION: LEAF DISEASES: ROOT DISEASES: pyraclostrobin Trichoderma •W 7 •With sow •W 10 •W 2, W 5, W 8, W12 APHIDS: imidacloprid •W 4 •W 11 INSECTS: acephate - (scouting) POTATO TUBER MOTH: lufenuron - (scouting) Evaluation of seedlings Programme 1 Programme 2 Week 14 post emergence Chemical programme Evaluation of seedlings Rhizoctonia Damping off Sclerotinia Anthracnose Results Root mass of seedlings treated with Trichoderma spp. Romulus T-gro Trykocide Tricho-plus Untreated AVERAGE F....TREATMENTS SIGNIFICANCE KBV Tuckey Locality 1 1.10 1.41 0.68 1.06 0.83 1.02 1.09 NS 1.16 Root mass (g) Locality 2 Locality 1 Locality 2 1.19 1.29 0.76 1.38 2.22 0.71 0.83 0.89 1.55 0.96 1.14 1.89 0.00 3.25 2.95 NS * * 0.84 0.90 * Values that differ, differ statistical according to Tuckey’s comparison of averages. NS = not significant Average root mass (gram) of 10 seedlings per IPM programme compared with seedling root mass from the chemical programme Localities Programme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IPM 1 1.49 2.34 AB 2.00 0.94 1.86 1.68 D 3.11 2.66 0.59 IPM 2 1.07 2.95 B 2.05 0.51 2.58 - - - - Chemical 0.71 1.27 A 1.79 0.53 - 0.67 C 3.02 2.59 0.87 F....Treatments 0.94 9.25 0.49 0.00 4.89 55.29 0.02 0.01 0.00 - ** - NS NS ** - - NS 1.62 1.54 1.31 1.66 0.69 3.15 3.71 SIGNIFICANCE KBV Tuckey •Values that differ, differ statistical according to Tuckey’s comparison of averages. •NS = not significant Week 10 Field: Week 14 after planting IPM vs PERMANENT vs CONVENTIONAL Kg a.i. PER Ha TOBACCO PLANTED FROM SEEDBEDS PERMANENT IPM CHEMICAL 0.21Kg 0.44Kg CONVENTIONAL CHEMICAL 10.61Kg Production of 25 hectares flue cured tobacco according to IPM principles Date:…………………… Land:…….…………….. Scouter:…….…………. Weekly Scouting Table for Tobacco (Number of infested plants / locality) BOLWURM LARWES BOLWURM EIERS PLANTLUIS BLAARMYNER TABAKSLAK KEWERS 5 10 2 10 - TABAKSLAK LARWES LACEWORM PLANT SIEKTES Powdery Mildew 20 localities x 5 plants = 100 plants PLAAG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total Thresh. 5 10 5 SCOUTING OF 100 PLANTS AT FIXED POINTS Potato tuber moth pheromone traps “African” bollworm traps Week 14 after planting Insect damage less than economic threshold Weekly scouting and pest control actions Standard Programme W0 W 1 lufenuron/ cypermetrin W2 W 3 aldicarb/ lufenuron W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 Date Potato tuber moth traps Average # moths / 4 Traps American bollworm moth traps Average # moths / 6 Traps Scouting 12/12/03 23,0 0.3 1 18/12/03 23/12/03 30/12/03 5/1/04 12/1/04 20/1/04 17.8 16.5 47.3 12.5 32,0 45.5 Threshold 20 0.7 1,0 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 Threshold 0.5 10 38 23 19 0 20 Threshold 10 Bollworm Action Larves / 100 plants None Bacillus sp. methomyl methomyl indoxacarb None methomyl Control of Potato tuber moth with “attrack-and-kill” pheromone Potato tuber moth control Chemical standard Last Call PTM Application of LastCall PTM Potato tuber moth control with LastCall PTM 2002 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W 10 W 11 W 12 W 13 2003 LastCall PTM lufenuron LastCall PTM Treatment Ave Treatment Ave Treatment Ave (2 traps) (2 traps) (5 traps) lufenuron Last Call 37 PTM 16,4 lufenuron 5,4 89 60,5 4,6 Last Call 16 34,5 16,8 PTM 33,5 39 22,5 22,5 16 15 Last Call 8,5 45,5 11.6 PTM 6,5 24 53 10 27,5 4,5 13,5 53 3,5 20 20,8 1,5 26 lufenuron Treatment Ave (5 traps) lufenuron 42 lufenuron 17 16,4 39,4 42,2 35,6 19,4 9,8 157 60,4 12,8 Week 10