Northern Virginia Community College Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment Annual Fact Sheet 2004-2005 This Fact Sheet presents summary information about Academic Credit, Extended Learning Institute, Continuing Education Units and Public Service Activities (including On- and Off-Campus) for the 2004-05 academic year. Headcount Table 1: Students Served in Credit Courses, CEU Activities, and Public Service Activities, 2000-01 Through 2004-05 Unduplicated Students in Credit Courses Unduplicated Students in Continuing Education Unit Activities Duplicated Students in Public Service Activities* % Change 2004-05 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 60,884 63,504 62,413 59,709 59,440 -0.5% 20,631 19,204 19,724 17,182 17,605 2.5% 105,989 131,020 156,873 189,535 227,743 20.2% *Data represents public service activities from January 1 to June 30 for each year. In 2004-05 the College served 59,440 unduplicated (different) students in credit courses and 17,605 unduplicated students in continuing education activities. There were 227,743 persons (duplicated headcount) served in public service activities between January 1, 2005 and June 30, 2005. These figures are compared with previous years in Table 1. Academic Credit Table 2: FTES Enrollments, 2000-01 Through 2004-05 Regular Session Summer Session (Annualized) * Annual % Change 2004-05 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 19,250 20,489 20,621 20,086 20,088 0.0% 3,627 4,059 4,144 3,937 3,957 0.5% 22,877 24,548 24,765 24,023 24,045 0.1% * Annualized Summer Session FTES – derived by dividing Summer Session FTES by 2. 1 During 2004-05, the College served 20,088 full-time equivalent students (FTES) in the regular session (fall and spring semesters) and 3,957 in the summer session. A total of 24,045 annual FTES were enrolled during 2004-05, which is 22 FTES more than the previous year. 1 Table 2 presents the five-year trend in FTES. Total number of credit hours for 2004-05 was 721,350 (Annual FTES multiplied by 30). Page 1 of 6 NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACT SHEET – ANNUAL 2004-2005 Continuing Education Credit Table 3: Continuing Education Activities and Units Awarded, 2000-01 Through 2004-05 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2,583 2,735 2,948 Headcount (Duplicated) 31,554 29,636 30,626 Headcount (Unduplicated) 20,631 19,204 Continuing Education Units Awarded 67,388 49,552 Activities 2003-04 2004-05 % Change 2004-05 3,313 N/A 26,265 27,185 3.5% 19,724 17,182 17,605 2.5% 69,965 N/A 78,765 N/A N/A During 2004-05 the College served 17,605 persons (unduplicated headcount) in Continuing Education activities. This number was 3% more than the number served in 2003-04. Due to the conversion to PeopleSoft, the number of Continuing Education activities and the number of units awarded are unavailable for 2003-04, but are included for 2004-05. A total of 3,313 continuing education activities were held during the year. Public Service Activities Table 4: Persons Served in Public Service Activities, 2000-01 Through 2004-05* % Change 2004-05 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 719 603 656 894 2,326 160.2% 77,861 104,967 135,671 130,989 190,875 45.7% 468 448 407 1,079 583 -46.0% 28,128 26,053 21,202 58,546 36,868 -37.0% Community Service Activities Headcount Student Services Activities Headcount Total Activities Headcount 1,187 1,051 1,063 1,973 2,909 47.4% 105,989 131,020 156,873 189,535 227,743 20.2% * Data represents public service activities from January 1 to June 30 for each year. The College served 227,743 persons in 2,909 different public service activities between January 1, 2005 and June 30, 2005. Of these, 190,875 persons were served in 2,326 activities classified as community services and 36,868 persons were served in 583 activities classified as student services. The five-year trend data is presented in Table 4. Page 2 of 6 NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACT SHEET – ANNUAL 2004-2005 Table 5: Academic Credit – Headcount and FTES By Campus, Annual 2004-2005 Headcount Total * (On- & Off-Campus) No. % SUMMER 2004** Course Campus Alexandria Annandale Loudoun Manassas Woodbridge College FALL 2004** Course Campus Alexandria Annandale Loudoun Manassas Woodbridge College 6,975 9,711 2,959 2,367 3,734 22,138 100.0% 11,732 15,908 5,635 4,545 6,914 37,392 100.0% FTES (On-Campus) No. % FTES (Off-Campus) No. % FTES * Total No. % 2,103 3,001 865 661 1,043 7,673 27.4% 39.1% 11.3% 8.6% 13.6% 100.0% 9 176 7 0 50 242.0 3.7% 72.7% 2.9% 0.0% 20.7% 100.0% 2,112 3,177 872 661 1,093 7,915 26.7% 40.1% 11.0% 8.4% 13.8% 100.0% 4,480 7,198 2,355 1,937 2,274 24.6% 39.5% 12.9% 10.6% 12.5% 425 873 337 130 842 16.3% 33.5% 12.9% 5.0% 32.3% 4,905 8,071 2,692 2,067 3,116 23.5% 38.7% 12.9% 9.9% 14.9% 18,244 100.0% 2,607 100.0% 20,851 100.0% SPRING 2005** Course Campus Alexandria 11,515 4,505 26.0% 253 12.6% 4,758 24.6% Annandale 14,236 6,159 35.6% 662 33.1% 6,821 35.3% Loudoun 5,390 2,214 12.8% 305 15.2% 2,519 13.0% Manassas 4,204 1,697 9.8% 97 4.9% 1,794 9.3% Medical Education 1,356 538 3.1% 29 1.5% 567 2.9% Woodbridge 6,670 2,211 12.8% 655 32.7% 2,866 14.8% 17,324 100.0% 2,001 100.0% 19,325 100.0% College 35,604 100.0% ANNUAL 2004-05** Regular Session *** FTES **** Course Campus Annualized Summer *** Session FTES **** Total FTES **** Alexandria 20,729 4,831 24.0% 1,056 26.7% 5,887 24.5% Annandale 26,655 7,446 37.1% 1,588 40.1% 9,034 37.6% Loudoun 9,620 2,605 13.0% 436 11.0% 3,041 12.6% Manassas 7,953 1,931 9.6% 330 8.3% 2,261 9.4% Medical Education 1,351 284 1.4% -- -- 284 1.2% 12,477 59,440 2,991 20,088 14.9% 547 3,957 13.8% 3,538 24,045 14.7% Woodbridge College 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Annual FTES: 24,045 * Includes Extended Learning Institute Courses. ** Reflects Unduplicated headcount for each campus and the college. Headcount may be duplicated across campuses. *** Includes both on- and off-campus. **** These annual figures are computed based on a formula dictated by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. Page 3 of 6 NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACT SHEET – ANNUAL 2004-2005 Table 6: Extended Learning Institute (ELI) – Headcount and FTES, Annual 2004-2005 (Distribution of Student Credit Hours Produced in ELI Courses, by Campus) ELI Headcount ELI FTES No. No. SUMMER 2004* Course Campus ELI % of College FTES % Alexandria 708 161 2.0% Annandale 1,875 458 5.8% Loudoun 424 92 1.2% Manassas 87 17 0.2% Woodbridge 1,081 263 3.3% Total 3,452 991 12.5% College Total FTES, Summer 2004 7,915 FALL 2004* Course Campus Alexandria 1,024 216 1.0% Annandale 2,803 690 3.3% Loudoun 631 137 0.7% Manassas 127 26 0.1% Woodbridge 1,830 492 2.4% Total 5,120 1,561 7.5% College Total FTES, Fall 2004 20,851 SPRING 2005 (Includes figures for Winter Intersession 2004)* Course Campus Alexandria 973 211 1.1% Annandale 2,575 638 3.3% Loudoun 624 134 0.7% Manassas 89 18 0.1% Medical Education 200 29 0.2% Woodbridge 1,840 482 2.5% Total 5,013 1,512 7.8% College Total FTES, Spring 2005 19,325 ANNUAL 2004-05 * Course Campus Alexandria 2,463 294 1.2% Annandale 6,232 893 3.7% Loudoun 1,586 181 0.8% Manassas 299 30 0.1% Medical Education 200 15 0.1% 4,161 619 2.6% 2,032 ** 8.5% Woodbridge Total 11,040 College Total FTES , Annual 2004-05 * ** 24,045 Reflects unduplicated headcount for each campus and the college. Headcount may be duplicated across campuses The annual FTES are computed based on a formula dictated by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. Page 4 of 6 NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACT SHEET – ANNUAL 2004-2005 Table 7: Continuing Education Units Awarded By Campus, Annual 2004-2005 Activities No. Headcount % SUMMER 2004 No. % Duplicated CE Unit No. % No. % Unduplicated* Alexandria 108 11.6% 381 5.4% 342 1,481 9.5% Annandale 266 28.5% 1,803 25.5% 1,384 6,921 44.6% Loudoun 159 17.0% 1,398 19.8% 1,183 3,915 25.2% Manassas 71 7.6% 481 6.8% 420 820 5.3% Medical Education 77 8.2% 690 9.7% 590 1,160 7.5% Woodbridge 109 11.7% 867 12.3% 1,115 7.2% Unknown 144 15.4% 1,457 20.6% 688 1,399 108 0.7% College 934 100.0% 7,077 100.0% 15,520 100.0% FALL 2004 Duplicated 5,607 100.0% Unduplicated* Alexandria 147 13.3% 753 8.0% 658 4,112 13.4% Annandale 291 26.3% 3,441 36.8% 2,112 15,477 50.5% Loudoun 211 19.0% 1,827 19.5% 1,341 5,556 18.1% Manassas 116 10.5% 823 8.8% 693 1,708 5.6% 81 7.3% 577 6.2% 517 999 3.3% 169 15.3% 1,344 14.4% 902 2,721 8.9% Medical Education Woodbridge Unknown College 93 1,108 8.4% 594 6.3% 522 100.0% 9,359 100.0% 6,702 SPRING 2005 Duplicated 100.0% 86 0.3% 30,659 100.0% Unduplicated* Alexandria 135 10.6% 1,206 11.2% 1,082 4,053 12.4% Annandale 354 27.9% 2,907 27.0% 2,089 14,145 43.4% Loudoun 277 21.8% 2,272 21.1% 1,565 6,391 19.6% Manassas 169 13.3% 1,289 12.0% 876 2,747 8.4% Medical Education 108 8.5% 1,060 9.9% 844 2,620 8.0% Woodbridge 194 15.3% 1,379 12.8% 958 2,453 7.5% 33 2.6% 636 5.9% 630 177 0.5% 1,270 100.0% 10,749 100.0% 7,566 32,586 100.0% Unknown College Annual 2004-05 Duplicated 100.0% Unduplicated* Alexandria 390 11.8% 2,340 8.6% 1,903 9,645 12.2% Annandale 911 27.5% 8,151 30.0% 4,494 36,542 46.4% Loudoun 647 19.5% 5,497 20.2% 3,699 15,862 20.1% Manassas 356 10.7% 2,593 9.5% 1,880 5,276 6.7% Medical Education 266 8.0% 2,327 8.6% 1,874 4,780 6.1% Woodbridge 472 14.3% 3,590 13.2% 2,349 6,289 8.0% Unknown 270 8.2% 2,687 9.9% 2,532 371 0.5% 78,765 100.0% 3,312 100.0% 27,185 100.0% 17,605 College * Unduplicated within campus and college- may be duplicated across campuses 100.0% Page 5 of 6 NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACT SHEET – ANNUAL 2004-2005 Table 8: Public Service Activities By Campus, January 1, 2005 to June 30, 2005 Community Services Activities No. % Alexandria 48 2.1% Annandale Student Services Headcount No. Activities Total Headcount % No. % No. % 11,721 6.1% 124 21.3% 4,644 12.6% Activities No. Headcount % No. % 172 5.9% 16,365 7.2% Jan. 1 – June 30, 2005 1,894 81.4% 162,908 85.3% 98 16.8% 9,325 25.3% 1,992 68.5% 172,233 75.6% Loudoun 48 2.1% 3,840 2.0% 35 6.0% 1,510 4.1% 83 2.9% 5,350 2.3% Manassas 85 3.7% 4,870 2.6% 52 8.9% 4,280 11.6% 137 4.7% 9,150 4.0% 176 7.6% 6,205 3.3% 143 24.5% 12,386 33.6% 319 11.0% 18,591 8.2% Medical Education Woodbridge College 75 3.2% 1,331 0.7% 131 22.5% 4,723 12.8% 2,326 100.0% 190,875 100.0% 583 100.0% 36,868 100.0% 206 2,909 7.1% 6,054 2.7% 100.0% 227,743 100.0% Page 6 of 6