World Languages 2015-2016

World Languages
Students will study World Languages through listening,
speaking, reading and writing. The goal is meaningful
communication, both oral and written.
Student Learning Goals
Grades will be proficiency-based on the student learning
goals for:
20% Listening:
 Students will listen to and understand the target
20% Reading:
 Students will read and understand the target
25% Speaking:
 Students will speak in the target language and be
understood by others
25% Writing:
 Students will write in the target language and be
understood by others
10% Vocabulary
 In order to be able to do Listening, Speaking,
Reading and Writing, you need to know the
Assessments (tests and quizzes) are not announced because
grades are based on formative and summative assessments,
which are designed to measure what a student knows and is
able to do in the target language.
Classroom Expectations
Be on time.
Come to class prepared to learn.
Listen with the intent to understand.
Be respectful to others in the classroom.
No “talking over” or random blurting.
Be positive about your learning.
Be appropriately resourceful.
Actively participate.
Sit up…squared shoulders…clear eyes.
Be patient with yourself and with others.
Practice in class and at home.
Do the homework. Do your 50%.
Pay attention and listen when others speak (including
the teacher).
Be a sympathetic listener.
If in doubt, ask questions and ask for help.
Bring water to class but leave gum, soda, food and
candy outside of class. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Turn off and stow electronic devices before entering the
o 1st offense teacher keeps phone until end of
school; student’s name is put on wall on postit.
o 2nd offense, you will pick up phone from your
o 3rd offense, your parent will pick up your
Classroom attendance and active participation are of vital
importance if a student is to learn.
Course Textbook
Students do not check out a textbook. We use the TPRS
Method (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and
Storytelling), which requires students to listen to, speak
about, read and write stories. We are focusing on learning
through context, not memorization.
Necessary Materials
Please bring to class the following materials:
Blue or black pens, NO RED or PINK
#2 pencil
Green or purple pens for making corrections
Notebook or composition book for class notes
8 ½ x 11 notebook paper
►Harrassment, Intimidation and Bullying (Pg. 26 of
Student Planner) RCW 28A.300.285
►Attendance Policy (Pgs. 28-30)
Check for missed
assignments and/or information.
►Tardy Policy (Pg. 30)
Students are to be seated before the bell rings or
they will be considered tardy and lose 5
participation points.
►Cheating (Pg. 24-25)
Any student caught cheating will be referred to the
grade level administrator for the first offense. If a
second violation occurs, the student will be dropped
from the class and receive a penalty grade. Parents
will be notified and no credit will be given.
Cheating includes but is not limited to:
 Submitting any part of another person’s work
as one’s own, such as copying a homework
 Using electronic translators or computer
 Making any effort to distribute class
assignments or test information without teacher
permission to another student (written or
 Misuse of any periodical, literary or Internet
►Dress Code (Pg. 25 and Posters)
It is important to be focused during class. Clothing
which interferes with or distracts from the
educational process, or depicts something illegal or
lewd is unacceptable attire for class. → Staff
Websites → Anna Keene
If a student has questions while at home, or has been absent,
this website is available for clarification and/or class
information that was missed. You will find the enrollment
information on my Staff Website for your class level. Please
enroll as soon as possible and save this page as a Favorite.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if I am absent?
o Check the Staff Website for step by step
activities in class.
o Ask teacher for the plan of the day.
o Ask a classmate
What do I do if I need help?
o Come in during tutorial.
o Form a study group with classmates.
o Check Staff Website.
How do I find out about my grade?
o Check Skyward.
o Ask the teacher during Tutorial.
Get involved!
There will be many opportunities for parents and students to
further their involvement in the World Languages
program. Some of these may include:
 Spanish Club (year-round)
I look forward to this semester with you.
For Parents
I want your son or daughter to have a positive and successful learning experience in my classroom this
school year. I believe that communication between home and school is a key to success, so please feel free to
contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You may reach me by telephone (message only) 360-8745600 or by e-mail at
Parents and students please sign below:
We have read and we understand the course objectives and expectations.
Student Name: ____________________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________
Parent Name: _____________________________________
Parent Signature: __________________________________
Contact Information:
Phone: __________________________________________