South Kitsap Girls’ Golf Team 2015 Contract

South Kitsap Girls’ Golf Team
2015 Contract
WIAA Safety Rules: The WIAA (Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association) has safety guidelines that
must be followed during practices and competitions.
 Golfers must wear shoes at all times. Shoes must have traction.
 Pants must be at an appropriate length—not so long they drag under the heels.
 Keep your uniform clean and in good condition. Loss or damage of school-issued clothing will result in
ASB fines.
 Pre-designated clothing must be worn at all competitions: black or khaki pants and a white polo with
team jacket.
 The WIAA and SKHS state that athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA to remain eligible. Any golfer below
2.0 at midterms or at the end of 2nd trimester will be ineligible and suspended from competition. Don’t
fall behind!
 You need to make time in your busy schedules to take care of your school work. You may not miss
practice to do homework.
 Anyone not at a 2.0 at any grade check or failing any classes is required to attend tutorial until next
grade check.
 Any behavioral issues at school will have appropriate consequences.
 Practices are CLOSED to friends and family. Please notify your parents/friends/boyfriends that they
are not allowed to attend practice.
 Wear appropriate golf attire. Wear a polo, a jacket, khaki pants, black pants, or wind pants.
 NO bare midriffs, low-rise pants, short shorts, or spaghetti strap tanks…keep it covered! No ripped up
jeans or clothes with holes—be classy! School dress code applies. **Hair must be pulled back.
 Dress appropriately for the weather! Always pack some warmer clothes just in case.
 Practices start at 3:00.
 It is obviously very important to attend practices. If you absolutely must be absent, it is necessary to
obtain prior permission if possible and to bring a note from your parents the following practice. The
first unexcused absence will result in a two day suspension, while the second results in a week
suspension. The third results in a long-term suspension.
 An accumulation of six absences is considered excessive. If you attend school that day, you must be
at practice unless you have a prearranged appointment and coach approval.
 If you are absent for a medical reason of any kind, you must bring a doctor’s note with you to
the coach before you will be allowed to resume activity.
 This is a varsity sport. Therefore, practices are focused. It is important to be on task at all times.
 Golf practice is not an appropriate time for cell phone usage. You need to be focused, so turn them to
silent. Also, it is discourteous to your teammates to have your phone ringing. It is acceptable to carry
them with you to communicate with parents or other golfers, but it needs to be used within reason.
 No i-pods—it’s a safety issue.
 Appropriate language will be used at all times. Be classy…and avoid the penalty strokes!
 Respect the course—replace divots, discard trash appropriately, repair ball marks, etc.
 Control your temper. For example, it is NEVER acceptable to throw clubs.
 As representatives of SKHS, it is important that we are on our best behavior and display positive
attitudes when we compete. Sportsmanship is critical.
No cell phones or i-pods are allowed during matches.
No spectators are allowed to speak to golfers during a match and must stay on the cart path
and at a distance of at least 30 yards.
Qualification: The coach will determine who plays in each match based on performance at practices
and in matches. Excessive absences will eliminate your opportunity to qualify.
Golfer’s Code:
 We must treat each other well and leave personal issues/ grudges off the course. If you are having a
problem with another golfer, the first step is to approach that person in a non-confrontational manner. If
that does not resolve the issue, see the coach. We will meet and work out a plan to benefit everyone.
Don’t trash talk behind others’ backs.
 BE HONEST on the course. There is nothing more important in golf than integrity. Play according to
the rules, and always keep an accurate score. If you are unsure about a rule, look it up! Educate
yourself. Get a stroke counter if you are easily confused!
 Follow proper golf etiquette.
 Respect the coach’s decisions. You will not always agree…but there is a reason for everything I do.
Letter Requirements:
 If you are ineligible for two grade checks, you do not letter.
 Habitual absences and/or tardies will result in loss of letter.
 Any failure to comply with rules and regulations of the contract will result in loss of lettering
 You must compete in at least two varsity matches and must score points in those matches in order to
***Please read this contract and all of its contents carefully, as you will be held accountable for all
rules and regulations.
I am looking forward to having a successful and positive year! 
Please sign and return the bottom of this page to Mrs. Wood. Keep the contract for your reference.
I _______________________ have read the all the preceding contract and agree to abide by its contents.
(golfer’s signature)
(parent’s signature)