United States History 2 Semester Janna L. Viergutz

United States History
2st Semester
Janna L. Viergutz
(360) 874-5657
Course Description and Philosophy
This is the second course in United States History. During the second semester, we will examine what life
was like in the United States following World War II and moving into the early 21st century. Throughout
the semester, students will read a variety of materials, display knowledge through writing and hands-on
projects, and establish a deeper appreciation for our country’s history. We will cover social, economic,
political, geographical, and historical aspects of the United States.
Class Expectations
Requirements: Students are expected to be prepared everyday with paper, pen, pencil,
notebook, textbook(s), assignments, etc. They are expected to be on time and in their seats and
will not be excused from class to retrieve missing assignments.
Notebook: Students are required to have a 3-ring notebook specifically for this class. They will
need to keep all assignments, quizzes, tests, notes, and extra paper in this notebook. The
notebook will be collected and graded two times during the trimester. Students will be told what
needs to be in the notebook and in what order before they turn it in to be graded.
Note taking and Tests: Student notes are an important part of this class. Students will be given
notes, during class, for each topic studied. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to get
the missed notes from another student, on-line, or during tutorial.
Behavior: Students should be in their assigned seats and ready to work when the tardy bell
rings. Respect for peers, staff, self, and materials is required. Students are expected to work
independently as well as in groups. Headphones and cell phones are not allowed in class. Use of
these items will result in them being taken away. Food and drink (except water) are not allowed
in class.
Cheating: Any student caught cheating, whether it be plagiarizing, copying, etc., will be referred
to the class administrator for the first offense. Also, parents will be notified and a zero will be
given for the assignment, test, etc. An automatic failure of the class will result on the second
Passes: Students will be allowed five (5) class passes. A pass from class can be used to use the
restroom or go to the student’s locker. Passes are 5 minutes only. Any student out of class for
longer than 5 minutes will be considered truant. Passes will not be given to students during the
last 10 minutes of class. Each pass left at the end of the trimester will result in extra participation
points added to the final grade.
Absences: Seven absences, excused or unexcused, may result in loss of credit and a failing grade
in this class. An absence is defined as completely missing or being ten (10) or more minutes late
to class. This is the same as the school policy.
Tardy Policy: Each tardy, after the first two (2), will result in the loss of daily participation
points for that day. Excessive tardies may result in discipline from the school administration.
Grading: Students will be evaluated on daily assignments, tests, and work attitudes and
techniques. Grades will be determined on a point scale, the same point scale discussed in the
school handbook.
93-100 = A
90-92 = A-
District Grading Scale:
88-89 = B+
78-79 = C+
83-87 = B
73-77 = C
80-82 = B70-72 = C-
68-69 = D+
63-67 = D
60-62 = D0 – 59 = Fail
Social Studies Department Late Work Policy
All late work will receive a 50% deduction from the actual points of the assignment.
Any work assigned prior to an absence, and due the day of an absence, will be due the
day that the student returns to school.
Missing and late work must be turned in prior to the unit assessment for that
Social Studies Department Absence Policy
It is the student’s responsibility to get any work missed. This can be accomplished by:
Check in with the teacher (on the day of the student’s absence) to get absent
work and/or schedule a make-up time for missing assessments. This can be
done through e-mail or a phone call. See individual teachers’, or their
websites, for this information.
If a student cannot contact the teacher the day of their absence, then it is their
responsibility to meet with the teacher during tutorial on the day they return to
get absent work and/or schedule a make-up time for missing assessments.
For a prolonged absence, the student should make a homework request through the
Guidance office.
Students will have one week to make up a missed classroom assessment.
All students will have an opportunity to do test corrections or test re-takes. The
classroom teacher will notify students of the window of time for these unit corrections.
Glencoe’s The American Republic; since 1877. You do not need to bring your book to class. We
have a class set! You can also find your book online.
Online Textbook: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0078607124/
Login: TARS2005
Password: 8exuspuc
Teacher Contact: I maintain a webpage that lists all class work, homework, notes, worksheets,
etc. If a student is absent from class, they can access the webpage to download what was missed
in class that day. Tutorial is another opportunity for students to ask questions or get help with
school work.