New Supplier Request Form - University Procurement

Proc form 008
This form is for internal use and is not to be issued to a supplier ● The form is to be completed if you require a new supplier
adding to Oracle ● It must be signed by an authorised signatory from your Faculty or Service ● A letterhead or official
stationery from the supplier must be attached to this form showing all the information required ● The University only makes
payment through BACS or Visa Credit Card ● If a supplier company is unable to accept payment by BACS or Visa Credit Card
then we are unable to accept them as suppliers
IMPORTANT: valid e-mail address(es) must be provided to ensure that BACS remittances and purchase orders are issued
Supplier Company Name:
Name of Supplier’s Bank (e.g. NatWest)
Bank Address:
Post Code:
Self Employed?
Yes / No
Post Code:
Contact Name:
Name of Bank Account: (e.g. Mr R G Smith)
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Account Number:
E-mail address for BACS remittances:
E-mail address for PO:
VAT Number:
Company letterhead attached? Y / N
Brief description of Goods/Services required inc.
approximate value
Reason for using new supplier and not one from
the current supplier list
Is this request for a new supplier related to an external project?
Yes / No
Requested by:
Authorised by (authorised signatory):
Date Requested:
Your tel no. and email address:
Approved by Purchasing Officer & Date:
Approved by Financial Services & Date:
For use by Financial Services Only
Supplier Number: …………………………………………. Entered by & Date…………………………………………………………..
December 2014
Proc 008