Polish Energy Market Jarek Astramowicz 10 March 2003 Polish Power Sector - Overview Generation total installed capacity - 34 200 MW peak demand – 23,000 MW, minimum demand - 15,000 MW annual demestic production – 155 TWh annual domestic consumption – 137 TWh net power exports – 7 TWh 96% of the total power output is generated by the coal fired plants and CHPs (hard coal and lignite) Transmission Polish Power Grid Company (PSE SA) - owns, operates and maintains the high voltage grid (220 kV, 400 kV and 750 kV) Distribution 33 local distribution companies they own and operate the medium- and low-voltage transmission and distribution grids (110 kV and below) Regulation Energy law of 10 April 1997 (last amendments introduced on 1 January 2003) The President of Energy Regulatory Authority (URE) issuing licences approval and control of energy tariffs control of customer service quality standards Polish Power Grid 500kV submerged line to Sweden, under construction Żarnowiec P.S. Russia Planned line to Lithuania Lithuania Baltic Sea Żydowo P.S. Gdańsk Olsztyn Dolna Odra Bydgoszcz 2 x 410 MW Ostrołęka 230 MW Szczecin Włocławek Płock Poznań Belarus Warszawa Germany Pątnów Dychów P.S. Siekierki Konin Adamów Bełchatów Kozienice 2 x 310 MW Wrocław 1400 MW Turów Opole Połaniec Stalowa Wola Łagisza 750 kV Power Transmission Lines 2 x 110 kV Łaziska KatowiceSiersza Total Length: 114 km Kraków 110 kV 400 kV Power Transmission Lines Kraków Łęg Rybnik Total Length: 4 677 km Skawina Czech Republic 220 kV Power Transmission Lines Jaworzno III 2 x 875 MW Total Length: 8 127 km Porąbka-Żar P.S. Rożnów 110 kV Cross-border Power Transmission Lines 2 x 290 MW Thermal Power Plants over 1000 MW Thermal Power Plants from 250 to 1000 MW Hydro Power Plants Slovakia Cities CHP Nowa Sarzyna340 MW Rzeszów 1,300 MW Solina Ukraine 2,000 MW Privatisation. Distribution company groupings ZE Słupsk ZE Koszalin ENERGA Gdańska Kompania Elbląskie ZE Energetyczna ZE Szczecin ZE Olsztyn ZE Białystok ZE Bydgoszcz ZE Toruń Enea G-8 L-4 K-4 Other ZE Płock ZE Gorzów Energetyka Poznańska Zielonogórskie ZE STOEN (Warszawa) Energetyka Kaliska ZE Legnica ZE Łódź ZE Łódź Teren ZE Lublin LUBZEL ZE Wrocław ZE Jelenia Góra ZE Częstochowa ZE Wałbrzych ZE Warszawa Teren ZEORK SkarżyskoKamienna Zamojska Korporacja Energetyczna ZE Opole Będziński ZE Górnośląski ZE Beskidzka Energetyka Rzeszowski ZE ZE Tarnów ZE Kraków Balancing Market effective introduction in September 2001 and its continuous functioning and improvement by its effective introduction Poland has removed the last remaining structural obstacle in creating a competitive wholesale electricity market current high volumes will get lower as the other market segments (PX, OTC) develop and when pricing mechanism gets adjusted Balancing Market till 30th June 2002 loss Contract price CRO 250 200 price 150 100 50 profit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 day undercontracted 450 Contract volume Real demand overcontracted 400 overcontracted volume 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Balancing Market from 1st July 2002 250 200 Contract price CROs CROz CRO price 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 day undercontracted 450 Contract volume Real demand overcontracted 400 overcontracted volume 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9/ 3/ 20 01 9/ 17 /2 00 1 10 /1 /2 00 1 10 /1 5/ 20 01 10 /2 9/ 20 01 11 /1 2/ 20 01 11 /2 6/ 20 01 12 /1 0/ 20 01 12 /2 4/ 20 01 1/ 7/ 20 02 1/ 21 /2 00 2 2/ 4/ 20 02 2/ 18 /2 00 2 3/ 4/ 20 02 3/ 18 /2 00 2 4/ 1/ 20 02 4/ 15 /2 00 2 4/ 29 /2 00 2 5/ 13 /2 00 2 5/ 27 /2 00 2 6/ 10 /2 00 2 6/ 24 /2 00 2 price (PLN/MWh) Balancing Market prices from 1st September 2001 till 30th June 2002 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 date CRO min CRO max CRO ave Power Exchange over-invested in systems and structure high transaction costs faulty PX participation agreements (all risks shifted onto participants) attempts sophisticated products without first fully developing & mastering the basics major failure - it has not created a reliable index 20 02 -0 20 6-1 02 7 -0 20 6-1 02 8 -0 20 6-1 02 9 20 062 02 0 -0 20 6-2 02 1 -0 20 6-2 02 2 -0 20 6-2 02 3 -0 20 6-2 02 4 -0 20 6-2 02 5 -0 20 6-2 02 6 -0 20 6-2 02 7 20 0602 28 -0 20 6-2 02 9 -0 20 6-3 02 0 -0 20 7-0 02 1 -0 20 7-0 02 2 -0 20 7-0 02 3 -0 20 7-0 02 4 20 0702 05 -0 20 7-0 02 6 -0 20 7-0 02 7 -0 20 7-0 02 8 -0 20 7-0 02 9 -0 20 7-1 02 0 -0 20 7-1 02 1 -0 20 7-1 02 2 20 0702 13 -0 20 7-1 02 4 -0 20 7-1 02 5 -0 20 7-1 02 6 -0 717 Wolumen (MWh) 1 data 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 408 397 386 375 364 353 342 331 320 309 298 287 276 265 254 243 232 221 210 199 188 177 166 155 144 133 122 111 100 89 78 67 56 45 34 23 12 price (PLN/MWh) Balancing Market prices from 1st July 2002 till 17th July 2002 CROs CROz CRO 800,00 700,00 600,00 500,00 400,00 300,00 200,00 100,00 0,00 Balancing Market and Power Exchange volume from 17th June till 17th Wolumen GE July 2002 20000 Wolumen RB OTC Market relatively high volumes available for trading large number of „active” participants both current & potential objective price index can be created most of the action will take place in the near future „Long-term contracts” they cover only 60% of the market with 30% or more available for trading (10% - is the forced generation) 30% of the Polish wholesale market exeeds 35 TWh of electricity worth almost USD $1 bln „lets learn how to trade the 35 TWh before we attempt to trade the remaining 70 TWh” Company JAC EnTra was established in August 1998 (originally as Enron Poland) and changed its name in February 2002 as a result of an MBO Since MBO additional investors were attracted, resulting in equity capital increase up to a total of almost 17 mln pln 10 year power trading license received in April 1999 10 years domestic gas trading license received in March 2001 and gas import license received in May 2001 Commercial achievements to date Commercial efforts for 2002/2003 Over 1 TWh of electricity for sale contracted for 2003 Three EFET type Master Trading Agreements signed Several EFET Masters under active negotiations 5 year, 50 MW„call” option concluded (valid through September 2005) with the largest Polish power generation group 2003 physical forward power deliveries for 340 000 MWh confirmed with confirmations to be signed next week Brokerage deals concluded and/or delivered on to date August, September and October 2002 – total deliveries of 150,000 MWh 6 month call option for power import through SwePol link cable concluded with PSE SA 0,3 TWh of power exports concluded during 1999–2000 Launching electricity trading through its newly established Kantor Energii The first trading session took place on 29 January 2003 What is Kantor Energii ? Day ahead and two days ahead, real time, hourly electric energy continuous trading program Internet connection allows for fast and safe (SSL protocole) „click’n trade” activity All transactions are concluded with JAC EnTra at the fixed, listed prices for the same transaction unit (number of MW in one hour) Our bids and offers are continously changed („active market making”) reflecting real-time demand and supply changes Kantor Energii at the Polish power market Power Exchange OTC market Demand Balancing Market Supply KANTOR ENERGII Trade sessions Morning session – day ahead contracts concluded Afternoon session – two days ahead contracts concluded Confirmations of the concluded contracts – after each session 7:15 08:45 09:00 12:00 13:00 13:15 Transaction example for one hour BM sells 250 PLN/MWh BM buys 50 PLN/MWh KE sells KE buys KE profit/loss 250 0 230250 80 170 230 100 90 80 150150280440410560 Thank you for your attention