Key Thoughts on Assessment Visions Procedures Deep Culture Rules Surface culture High & Low context Context Goals 8-6-04 Product Ricardo Nazario y Colon Goal Setting 8-6-04 What is our success vision for the student? What is the students success vision for themselves? Ricardo Nazario y Colon Goal Setting… What do they bring to the table? What do we have in terms of resources to facilitate? 8-6-04 Ricardo Nazario y Colon Procedure 8-6-04 Uniformity of purpose vs. uniformity of procedure Getting caught up in procedure vs. keeping focus on the unit goals Ricardo Nazario y Colon 8-6-04 Multicultural Issues Knowing your place in the system What recruiters are looking for Ricardo Nazario y Colon Multicultural Issues 8-6-04 Establish ground rules How are we going to exist together Expect conflict (what do we do when it happens) Ricardo Nazario y Colon Knowing your place in the system 8-6-04 Understanding self in a diverse environment context How are you assessed in the larger system? Guest/Burglar/ interloper Ricardo Nazario y Colon Messages 8-6-04 Ethnocentric inclusion – come and be like us. (assimilation and acculturation) Ethnorelative inclusion –lets join together and lets evolve Ricardo Nazario y Colon What recruiters are looking for 8-6-04 Understanding our students Are recruiters recruiting our students Diversity angle? Critical, teamwork, presentations writing skills Staying on the agenda Comm skills employable experience Ricardo Nazario y Colon intelligence Key 8-6-04 Congruence between assessment and learning!!! Ricardo Nazario y Colon Assessment steps Claims Evidence Package 8-6-04 Who is the package addressed to Provide the data in many formats ( numbers, pictures, texts) Ricardo Nazario y Colon Job Description 8-6-04 What do I need to collect that will be relevant to stakeholders Making data relevant to detractors/stakeholders What are our claims What is our evidence What is our data Transforming data into information that can be useful to the stakeholders Ricardo Nazario y Colon Understanding service delivery 8-6-04 What I can deliver by myself What I can deliver in partnership Ricardo Nazario y Colon Multicultural Issues in Evaluation 8-6-04 When Who What Where How Ricardo Nazario y Colon The Dynamics of Culture Primarily in Awareness Surface Culture Folk Culture fine arts * literature drama * classical music * popular music folk dancing * games * cooking * dress Folk Culture Deep Culture 8-6-04 notions of modesty * conception of beauty ideals governing childraising * rules of descent cosmology * relationship to animals patterns of superior/subordinate relationships * definition of sin courtship practices * conception of justice * incentives to work notions of leadership * tempo of work * patterns of group decision making conception of cleanliness * attitudes toward the dependent * theory of disease approaches to problem solving * conception of status mobility * eye behavior roles in relationship to status by age, sex, class, occupation, kinship, and so forth conversational patterns in various social contexts * conception of past and future definition of insanity * nature of friendship * ordering of time * conception of “self” patterns of visual perception * preference for competition or cooperation * body language social interaction rate * notions of adolescence notions about logic and validity * patterns of handling emotions * facial expressions arrangement of physical space ...AND MUCH, MUCH MORE ...... Ricardo Nazario y Colon Primarily Out of Awareness El Fín 8-6-04 Ricardo Nazario y Colon