COLONS Rule 1.

Rule 1.
Use a colon after a complete sentence to introduce a list
Examples Most teachers require their students to buy certain items: pen, paper,
and folders.
I want a housekeeper that can do the following: 1)cook, 2) clean, and 3)tend to
the garden.
Rule 2.
Use a colon to introduce a list when written in tabular form.
Examples I need a school that offers:
b) pharmacy
c) dentistry
I want a car that can do the following:
a )accelerate quickly
b)stop immediately
c)play CDs without skipping
Rule 3.
Use a colon before a direct quotation that is more than three typewritten lines
Example The graduate student’s essay read:
Alex Haley’s Roots expresses the concept of fear via various mediums, including indentured servitude, punishment
and religion. Each of these tools of control is wielded without impunity throughout the novel. Thus, Haley presents
a graphic and dynamic image of the horrific business that has become known as the peculiar institution. Moreover,
the notion of fear acts the underlying theme for the entire plot, as it does for actual life.
Rule 4.
Use a colon after the salutation of a business letter.
Example Dear Texas Southern University: