Standard 14: Brief Description:

Standard 14: Public Health IPPE:
Brief Description:
A 40-hour, 1 credit IPPE in Public Health is a required component of our IPPE program and is
completed in the summer following P1. This course was designed to ensure that all students
were able to meet ACPE 2007 Standard 12 “Promote health improvement, wellness, and disease
prevention in cooperation with patients, communities, at-risk populations, and other members of
an interprofessional team of health care providers”. This IPPE provides ACPHS students the
opportunity to practice in a non-traditional setting; to promote the availability of preventive and
wellness programs within a targeted population; to participate in the development of public
health policy or provide a community service; to communicate effectively and efficiently with
policy makers, interprofessional healthcare providers, and members of the community; and to
apply research processes and quality improvement strategies to the provision, development, or
analysis of preventive and wellness programs. Each student is assigned to one of our over 90
affiliated public health rotation sites, which includes professional and community organizations
such as YMCAs, Visiting Nurse Associations, Departments of Health, American Cancer Society,
American Red Cross, summer children’s camps, HIV centers, or assisted living centers.
Students are required to complete three out of six possible rotation objectives:
Develop or append an organization policy or procedure pertinent to public health provision
Participate in a screening, risk assessment, medication review, adherence assessment or awareness event
for target population
Creation or dissemination of health and wellness education for the target population (education
programs, posters, leaflets, newsletters etc.)
Design , implement or plan a marketing strategy for a specific service or event
Plan and conduct an outcomes assessment for an organization service or event (data analysis of
population participation, research, satisfaction survey implementation, population literacy etc.)
Participate in health interventions at the individual level (support services, counseling, interviewing)
Students are evaluated by their assigned preceptor using a standard evaluation tool, and their
performance is grades as Pass/Honors, Pass, Pass/reservations, or Fail.