CLASSMATE CRTIQUE FORM Your name:_________________________________________________ Person you are responding to:_________________________________________ Instructions: For each section, identify something the speaker did well and something the speaker could improve on in terms of their presentation. Delivery: Use of Voice: Intelligibility (rate, volume, enunciation), conversational style, fluency, emotional expression? Use of Body: Attire, poise, eye contact, facial expression, appropriate gestures? Structure: Macrostructure: AG, listener relevance, credibility, thesis, preview, transitions, thesis restatement, summary, clincher? Microstructure: Language (clear, concise, vivid, inclusive), style, jargon defined, no slang, no vocalized pauses (“um,” “yeah”) Content: Analysis: Supporting points, breadth, depth, appropriate focus, addresses prompt? Supporting material: Relevant, varied, credible, clear, distributed, cited? Presentational Aid: Construction: Visual was enhanced by verbal, offers new information, neat, professional, information included is appropriate Integration: Used aid smoothly and confidently, referred to aid via gestures, aid addressed and explained well throughout speech