Name _____________________________________ Date_____________ Planets Study Guide Quiz Date: ____________________________________

Name _____________________________________
Planets Study Guide
Quiz Date: ____________________________________
Number planet from the sun: __________________________
Temperature range: _________________________________
What is Mercury covered with? ______________________
Number planet from the sun: __________________________
In what ways is Venus similar to Earth? __________________________________
Temperature: ______________________________________
How does the air pressure of Venus compare to Earth’s? ____________________
What is retrograde rotation? __________________________________________
How is Venus similar to our moon? ______________________________________
Number planet from the sun: __________________________
What 3 conditions make life on Earth possible?
Earth has a magnetic field because of _____________ in its core.
What are the Northern Lights? _________________________________________
Number planet from the sun: __________________________
What gives Mars its red color? __________________________________
How is Mars similar to Earth? ___________________________________
What is the orbit period for Mars? _______________________________
What is the name of the largest volcano on Mars? __________________________
What is Vallis Marineris? ______________________________________________
Number planet from the sun: __________________________
What is the diameter of Jupiter? __________________________________
What gases is Jupiter mostly made up of? ________________________________
What covers the entire planet? _________________________________________
What is the Great Red Spot? ___________________________________________
Number planet from the sun: __________________________
What is interesting about Saturn’s density? _______________________________
What is Saturn known as? ____________________________________________
How many main rings does Saturn have? ________________
Number planet from the sun: __________________________
How many moons does Uranus have? ______________
What color does Uranus appear to be? ____________________________
What gas causes Uranus to appear this color? _______________________
What is interesting about the way Uranus rotates? _________________________
What do scientists believe caused this? __________________________________
Number planet from the sun: __________________________
How long does it take for Neptune to revolve around the sun? _______________
What ‘feature’ does Neptune have on it? ________________________________
What speed can winds reach on Neptune? _______________________________