Submitting a Manager Request

Submitting a Manager Request
Log in Page
Log on to HR-Payroll System Self Service from the SSD desktop icon
Or via weblink below which is accessible via My Glasgow or from HR Service webpage
Manager Requests are submitted/approved
Manager requests are for requesting changes to an employee’s contract. Requests are submitted by
a line manager or by Service nominated administrators via the managers dashboard.
There are many types of manager requests available however there is not one to suit all situations so
it is sometimes necessary to pick the most appropriate.
Within the manager dashboard there is a tab called staff manager requests.
Select the
button from the right hand side of the page. It will ask you which type of managers
request you wish to create and you can then identify which member of staff it is for.
A new window will open with the relevant manager request fields for completion.
You can Save if you wish to submit later or you can Submit.