5 grade Math Study Guide: Number Sense Quiz Friday, October 18, 2013

5th grade Math Study Guide:
Number Sense Quiz
Friday, October 18, 2013
Be able to write numbers in word form, short word form, standard
form, expanded form, and expanded notation (no exponential
notation on this quiz). Examples are on the reverse side of this
Be able to identify place value, value and period of numerals.
In the number 4,598,763,201
What is the place value of the 9?__ten millions place________
What it the value of the 5?____500,000,000____________
What period is the 2 in?____ones period_______________
Be able to compare the values of multiples of 10. Example: How
many 100’s are in 10,000? Dance zeros to get the answer_100___.
Be able to rename numbers using the 4 different operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). In your notes you
have the strategies we developed in class.
Example: 1,200,000
Addition: 1,000,000+200,000 or 600,000 + 600,000
Subtraction: 2,400,000 – 1,200,000 or 2,000,000-800,000
Multiplication: 600,000 x 2 or 300 x 4000
Division: 2,400,000 ÷ 2 or 3,600,000 ÷ 3
Be able to compute a base number with an exponent. Example:
52 = __5x5=25___
43 = 4x4x4=64___
Number Sense Vocabulary (see reverse).
Number Sense Vocabulary (for the Quiz)
Standard form: A number written with one digit for each place value.
The standard form for the number three thousand five hundred
twenty-three is 3,523.
Word form: The value of a number written in words. The word form
for the number 3,523 is three thousand five hundred twenty-three.
Short Word form: The value of a number written using a combination
of digits and words. The short word form for 35,768,421 is
35 million 768 thousand 421. Hint: each comma is a word.
Expanded form: A way to write numbers that shows the value of each
digit. The expanded form for 56,319 is
50,000 + 6,000 + 300 + 10 + 9.
Expanded notation: A way to write numbers that shows each digit
times the corresponding place value. The expanded notation for
56,319 is
(5 • 10,000) + (6 • 1,000) + (3 • 100) + (1 • 10) + (9 • 1).
Exponent: The exponent tells us how many times to use the base number
as a factor.
A short way of writing 5 • 5 • 5 is 53. The 3 is called the
exponent. The 5 is called the base number. A common mistake is to
think that 53 = 15 ----BUT IT DOES NOT!!! 53 = 5 • 5 • 5 = 125 (think
5 • 5 = 25 and then 25 • 5 = 125