NUMBER SENSE TEST STUDY GUIDE Test on: Wednesday, October 7th

Test on: Wednesday, October 7th
Be able to compute exponents with various bases, including 10.
Ex. 3³ = 3  3  3= ____
10³ = 10  10  10 = _________
 Be able to write a base 10 numeral as an exponent.
Ex. 10,000 = _______
Be able to read and write numbers through the billions period in:
Standard form, expanded form, word form, short word form, expanded notation
and exponential notation.
 Be able to identify the value, place value, and period for a digit.
Example: 4,302,529,871
What is the VALUE of the 5? ________________
What is the PLACE VALUE of the 3? ____________________
What is the PERIOD of the 8? ______________
 Be able to determine ten-to–one relationships
Example: How many 100s are in 1,000,000? _________
 Be able to compare and order numbers through the billions period:
Use the symbols <, > , and = to compare. Also be able to name the word that these
symbols, as well as ≠ and ≈ represent.
73,902 _____ 79,203
94,328 ______ 9,438
List numbers up to the hundred billions in order from least to greatest and
greatest to least
Be able to round numbers up through the billions period:
 Applying rounding rules
 Rolling 9s
Ex. Round to the nearest:
million: 954,602,728 ________________
ten thousand: 689,996,017 _____________________
Be able to determine if a number is an overestimate or an underestimate and
explain why.
Be able to list the:
 6 Smallest numbers from a set of 6 digits
 6 Largest numbers from a set of 6 digits
Be able to:
 Locate negative integers on a number line
 Order and compare integers
o -25 ____ -28
o 2 _____ -1
Be able to identify the following symbols: (on Number Sense Vocab Sheet)
o > ________________
o < ________________
o = ________________
o ≠ ________________