Application for Sir Fitzroy MacLean Travel Scholarship Personal Details

Application for Sir Fitzroy MacLean
Travel Scholarship
Submit your application and supporting documents electronically to:
Deadline for Submission: 1 June 2014
Personal Details
Student ID:
Surname or Family Name:
First Name or Other Name:
Current domicile:
Financial Resources
Please indicate how you are currently
funding your studies.
Student Grant/Loan
Parents or own resources
Government funding
A higher amount may be awarded to students who can demonstrate greater financial need.
Please attach any documentary evidence to support your claim such as EMA, benefits letters, bank
account or loan statement, etc.
Personal Statement (no more than 400 words)
Please complete a statement outlining how you meet the criteria of the award, and which skill(s) you hope to
develop/acquire by undertaking a Summer School or a language school at an overseas partner university. You
should state which partner you have selected and the name of the programme you would like to enrol on.
Terms and Conditions
Sir Fitzroy MacLean Travel Scholarships are only available to students who are currently registered at the University
of Glasgow or students who graduated that year from the University of Glasgow. The scholarships are available to
undergraduate and postgraduate students.
All sections of the application must be completed as instructed on the form. Incomplete applications will not be
Sir Fitzroy MacLean Travel Scholarships may not be deferred to the following academic year. Applicants must
therefore complete their project or withdraw from the scholarship.
Sir Fitzroy MacLean Travel Scholarships are awarded for a specific project described in their application. Scholars
should seek permission and obtain consent from the Scholarship Team before making any changes to their project.
Please note that approval is not guaranteed and where changes are made without prior approval, funding may be
withdrawn and students may be required to repay the funding in full.
Sir Fitzroy MacLean Travel Scholarships are awarded for a set period of study as stated in the award communication.
Funding cannot be extended.
Scholars who withdraw from their programme before completion will be required to repay the funding in full.
Funding is paid in 2 instalments: 75% before departure on presentation of enrolment or acceptance at the partner
University; 25% on return and on presentation of a report on their project.
Scholars may be requested to participate in current and future promotional activities and as such may be interviewed
and photographed by our marketing team. Funded students may also be asked to contribute occasionally to the
promotion of the scholarship during events organised by the Recruitment and International Office. Funded students
agree no payment will be made by the University to the funded students for their participation in promotional
The decision of the selection committee is final.
I have read the Terms and Conditions:
Applicant Signature
Print Name
Applicant Signature*
*By providing an electronic signature you have agreed that all information above is correct and are giving your consent to the
University holding, collecting and processing such data. This information is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act
Data Protection Statement
The information that you supply via this application form will be collected and processed by the University of Glasgow. It will on
accessed by authorised persons of the University of Glasgow and representatives from other partner organisations as
part of the selection process. The information will be retained by the University and will be used for the purpose of
(a) processing your application, and (b) for reporting and administrative purposes and will be destroyed once these
purposes are met. By supplying such information you consent to the University storing and processing the information
for the stated purpose(s). The information is processed by the University in accordance with the provisions of the
Data Protection Act 1998.
Submit your application and supporting documents electronically to:
Deadline for Submission: 1 June 2014