IMPACT ACCELERATOR ACCOUNT - APPLICATION FORM Applicant Details Investigator: Institute: Project Title Start date & duration requested (note: funds are to be spent by July 2016) Overall Project Summary Provide a brief summary (~150 words) Type of Impact Need & Rationale Case for Support Please include a brief description of the aims and objectives of this application and explain how this will support/add value over existing mechanisms and activities (200 words). Deliverability 1. What is the project’s current status? (~200 words) 2. How will the project achieve/deliver its objectives? Summarise the proposed plan, duration and expected outcomes at the end of the project (200 words) Page 1 of 2 Funding requested Provide breakdown and justification for the funding requested; include potential cash/in-kind contributions (~150 words) Details for current or previous BBSRC funding (including project title/BBSRC reference), or other funding, linked to the proposal Will your application link to any BBSRC-funded students? If applicable, please provide an overview of any collaborations and the role of each of the partners within the project. Page 2 of 2