SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE Institutional Effectiveness Committee January 28, 2011

Institutional Effectiveness Committee
January 28, 2011
9:00 a.m. – Sundown Room
Members Present: Rob Blair, Charlene Perez, Cary Banks, Rafael Aguilera, Lance Scott, Lynda
Reid, Jack Wardlow, Gary Poffenbarger, Julie Gerstenberger, Mollie McCook-Melton, Kimbra
Quinn, Dawn Valles, Phyllis Kennon, Sharon Bogener, Amanda Sims, Robert Plant, Myrna
Whitehead, Patrick Logue, Deborrah Caddell, Sue Ann Lopez, Christi Anderson, Cathy
Mitchell, Todd Gregg, Jack Wardlow and Stephen John.
Members Absent: Randy Robertson, Debra Britton, Jim Walker, Yancy Nunez, Wayne
Langehennig, Katheryn Townsend, Urisonya Flunder.
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the November 12, 2010 meeting had
been previously distributed by email. Motion by Jack Wardlow, second by Rafael Aguilera to
accept the minutes as distributed. Motion approved.
The following agenda items were taken up.
Supervisors Network – LeadSPC
Rafael Aguilera reported that the subcommittee has begun to initiate several of its
recommendations to enhance internal communications presented at the November 12, 2010 IE
Committee meeting. Dr. Kelvin Sharp has agreed to write a “President’s Update” periodically
in CommLines. Myrna Whitehead is in the process of contacting Dr. Sharp regarding a
schedule. The subcommittee has also researched the cost of conducting refresher courses for the
Connections customer service training. How to budget for the cost of materials and how best to
implement the customer service program have been discussed by the committee. It was
suggested that the Connections program be delivered first to supervisors before being offered to
front line staff. The subcommittee was asked to work with Jeri Ann Dewbre in determining a
cost for materials and to present that as a budget request through Human Resources. Ms.
Dewbre will be asked to attend the subcommittee’s next meeting.
Update on SACS Sanction
Stephen John reported that the college had received the follow-up letter outlining the
deficiencies of its Fifth Year Interim Report and Monitoring Reports that led to the Commission
on Colleges issuing South Plains College a Warning Sanction at its December 2010 meeting.
John emphasized that the college remains fully accredited by SACS. The citations for noncompliance deal with sufficient full-time faculty for the Fire Technology program, a clarification
that SPC does not offer a Human Development program, and teaching credentials for two fulltime and four part-time faculty identified on faculty rosters. Yancy Nuñuz is currently working
with Dr. Denise Watts, director of institutional research and effectiveness at UT-Permian Basis,
who is reviewing our reports and offering suggestions for writing the follow-up report. Dr.
Watts has extensive experience as a SACS accreditation peer reviewer and led UTPB’s recent
accreditation self-study. The College is also in the process of contacting Dr. Donald Crump,
IE Committee Meeting, 1/28/11
former SACS institution liaison, to consult on our follow-up reporting. John reported the college
can address all concerns raised by the review committee satisfactorily. John also said that
discussions are underway to establish an internal review team that will conduct a compliance
audit in preparation to write our upcoming self-study for reaccreditation in 2013-14.
Program Planning and Review Subcommittee
John reported that the TaskStream Implementation Team has been meeting weekly since
November to develop the structure and components of the online Accountability Management
System (AMS). The Team created five workspaces that begin on 1.) the Course/Program Level,
and advance to 2.) Instructional Departmental Level, 3.) Non-Instructional Departmental Level,
4.) Instructional and Administrative Dean Level; and 5) Divisional Level. Workspace
components include the following:
Purpose – mapped to the Mission Statements in the College’s Mission Statement
Objectives/outcomes – both learning (instructional) and operational (non-instructional)
mapped to the Institutional Plan Objectives/Strategies
Assessment Plan, including measures and methods
Assessment Findings, including recommendations
Continuous Improvement Action Plan
Status Report on Action Plan
Supplemental Documents – course syllabi, meeting minutes, supporting documents
The hierarchy for these workspaces has been identified and presently the Team is working on
developing the review system for the AMS.
John demonstrated for the IE Committee the work that has already been created in the AMS. He
presented the course/program workspace for Mathematics that was populated with content
from the program’s current IE Planning Matrix. An example of a learning outcome, the method
used to assess the achievement of the outcome, the assessment findings and recommendations,
and the action plan to improvement was presented. Committee members also viewed the
workspace components for non-instructional departments.
IE Committee members discussed various aspects of the AMS and how the system can provide
an online process for planning and assessment. Following questions and answers, IE Committee
members were asked to contact any Implementation Team member with any additional
concerns or suggestions for the AMS. Orientation and training on the use of the AMS is planned
for late March/early April.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for
Friday, April 8, 2011, 9:30 a.m. in the Founders Room.
IE Committee Meeting, 1/28/11