Welcome to Japanese I (Syllabus, 2015-16)

Welcome to Japanese I (Syllabus, 2015-16)
You have chosen the language that is COOL, DIFFERENT (NOT difficult), and PRACTICAL, and that none of your friends knows or
speaks!! Imagine that in a few weeks, you will be passing notes to each other that your friends, teachers, or parents cannot read! I
would like you to enjoy getting to know Japan, the language, and the people. Meet Japanese high school students who will visit
TWHS. You will also be corresponding with Japanese high school students! Perhaps you will think of visiting them in Japan, taking
advantage of our exchange program! I look forward to working with you this year.
1. べんきょうしましょう! Let’s study!
Here are the topics you will talk about and some of the things you will be able to say:
(1) Common Greeting Expressions (e.g. How do you do? Nice to meet you! )
(2) Getting to know each other (e.g. Who is that student over there? / Excuse me, are you Akira?)
(3) Talking about your activities (VERBS of activities. e.g. What do you do every day after
school?/ Did you see a movie last weekend? )
(4) Weather (ADJECTIVES. e.g. Nice day, isn’t it? Since it is a nice day, why don’t we go to the
(5) Family & Friends (Description of physical features, personality, likes and dislikes -- e.g. My
older brother is not very nice but he is smart! He is good at singing.)
(6) House (Location of items in places --e.g. Where is the bathroom?)
2. プロジェクト Projects (major grade)
(1) Due (TBA)– Research paper on Meiji period of Japan. Choose an event or a person and
“introduce” it/the person to class with visuals, adding five (5) Japanese words related to the topic.
(2) New Year’s Greeting card project with Japanese Students – starting in November.
(3) Poetry Recitation (TBA)
3. 成績(せいせき)Grades
(1) Daily Grade (20%)
(a) Class work, (b) DAILY homework, (c) kana/kanji reading/writing practice. Speaking in
Japanese in class will be encouraged. Let’s work together so that we will be using Japanese more
than 50% of the class time. Your speaking activities are often graded, and you will be rewarded
by participation points whenever you volunteer your answers, win games, participate in activities,
Homework is given every class (according to the homework handout) and is due in the
beginning of the next class. Late submission will receive 50% credit. Homework submitted
on time may be corrected ONCE for 100% correction. If you submit homework on time, you will
receive 1 bonus point for your quiz (10-15 points).
(2) Quiz Grade (30%) – Daily quiz based on homework. Dictation, vocabulary quizzes, Japanese
cultural knowledge quizzes, etc. will also be given at times.
(3) Major Grade (50%) – Written test (the 5th class), reading, and shadowing tests and projects.
Your test may be corrected and re-submitted ONCE within a week for 50% correction credit.
4. Please bring to the class --A binder or folder for Japanese I class where you keep ALL of your
homework sheets, quizzes, tests and all the other handouts including reading assignment,
Hiragana packet, Hiragana and Katakana flash cards (in a plastic bag), etc. Always bring pens
/pencils, lined paper and 5 to 10 index cards (3x5). Please bring 1 dry erase marker for yourself
to use, and 1 extra one or a box of tissue paper for the class.
5. Tutoring/Questions
Please ask questions in class any time you feel lost or you need clarification. Tutoring will be
Thursdays (JNHS members are in charge of the roster). You may call me any time in the evening,
e-mail, or post your questions in Edmodo. Phone 281-292-2067, e-mail:
6. Reviewing at Home
Please spend 20-30 minutes each night to review what you learned. The best way to retain new
information is to use it soon after learning it and repeat it as often as possible. Keep the new
words, Hiragana, etc. visual. Write them on a large piece of paper and stick it on the wall, so you
can see them often. Tell your family how to say things in Japanese, have them test you with
Hiragana, etc. Learning a foreign language is like learning to play a sport or a musical
instrument. It is a process of learning a new skill -- the skill to communicate with and understand
those who speak it as their mother tongue. In order to master this skill, you must repeat and
practice -- you cannot just sit and be quiet. You must say the new words, phrases, sentences as
often as possible so that they would stick to you. You are welcomed to be “noisy” in Japanese
especially in class. Talk to each other in Japanese!
7. Class Rules
Let’s respect each other, be on task, cooperate and be willing to volunteer. All the school rules
will apply to the Japanese class. The only special rule in Japanese class is “No feet on the desk or
chair” and “Do not lie down on the floor”. These are regarded as bad manners in Japan.
8. Japanese Club - EVERY TUESDAY AFTER SCHOOL. Be involved in Japanese Club, meet
and speak with native speakers of Japanese, students in Japanese II, III, and AP. There are a lot of
fun opportunities that you can participate. You are welcome to participate in any of the activities.
PLEASE SIGN UP IN EDMODO – TWHSJCLUB (group code: ci7xmb) We are currently
looking for Yosakoi Soran dancers!
9. About AP Japanese: AP (Advanced Placement) Japanese Language and Culture Course started
in the spring semester of 2007. It will be Japanese Level IV course. If you are interested in
pursuing Japanese, receive college credit by taking the AP exam, please think about taking higher
level courses. Questions are welcome any time.
10. Japan Bowl, and Speech Contest: Interested students should come and talk to me any time.
Japan Bowl team will be formed during the fall semester. Speech contest will be held in February
(in-school contest in December or January). Japanese I students may participate in poetry
recitation contest.
11. Exchange Program: Host families will be needed in March and August, when Japanese HS
students visit us. Please contact me if you and your family are interested in hosting a Japanese
student for a week. Japan Trip will be in June/July for two weeks.
Good luck and let’s have fun!
リード真澄 Masumi Reade
masumi.reade@gmail.com (home)
281-292-2067 (home)