Photo 1 2 3 4 5 6 Write a caption for the picture What do you think is happening in the picture? When is this happening? What will happen next? Name: ______________________________ WWII: Homefront Notes While many Japanese Americans served in the armed forces, others were treated with _____________________________ and _____________________________, and many were forced into _____________________________________________________________. Executive Order _______________________ in February 1942: Allowed the military commanders to designate “military zones” as ___________________________ from which “any or all persons could be excluded.” The power was used to exclude all Japanese from the ________________________________. Between 110,000 and 120,000 Japanese were brought to these internment camps. Most of them were ________________________________________. What about the rest of America? American involvement in World War II brought an end to the ________________________________. Factories and workers were needed to produce goods to win the war. Thousands of American women took jobs in defense plants during the war (ex: ________________________________________________) Americans at home supported the war by ___________________________ and __________________________________ resources. The need for workers temporarily broke down some racial barriers (ex: hiring in defense plants) although discrimination against ____________________________________ continued.