Developing Ecosystem Services Science for Policy Needs in the Willamette Basin, Oregon, USA: A Place-Based Study Dixon H. Landers, Robert McKane, Jana Compton Rene Brooks, Paul Rygiewicz, John Bolte and Connie Burdick. USEPA, Western Ecology Division Corvallis, OR USA Linking Human Well-Being with Ecosystem Services ACES Meeting – Naples, FL 09 Dec 2008 1 1 The EPA Challenge: Change the economic and human well-being foundation for environmental decision-making Current Investment: 200 Scientists ~$62 million dollars supporting research 2 2 Ecological Services Research Program Goals: Long-Term Goal 1: National policy makers will have the tools and technologies to develop scientifically-defensible assessments of the state of our nation’s ecosystems and the effectiveness of existing national programs and policies Long-Term Goal2: States and tribes apply improved tools and methods to protect and restore their valued ecological resources Long-Term Goal 3: Decision-makers understand the importance of ecosystem services and make informed, proactive management decisions that consider a range of alternative outcomes 3 3 Uses Setting policies and guidelines: • EPA often seeks to promote its mission through a variety of policy instruments that do not have the legal force of national rules. . Quantifying benefits for national rule-making: • The Office of Management and Budget establishes data requirements needed to assess the benefits and costs associated with these rules. Developing environmental GDP accounts or other environmental indicators: • In recent years, there have been numerous calls for establishing environmental accounts within our national Gross Domestic Product accounts. Acting as a catalyst for market innovations: • In some cases, EPA seeks to engage the private sector directly in its efforts to improve environmental conditions. 4 4 EPA Ecological Services Research Program - Place-Based Studies Southwest 5 5 Why Place-Based Research? Work with actual, interested end-point users of research tools to assist with design and implementation Confront contextual social and economic forces, challenges and solutions Test models with appropriate data types and coverages Develop a manageable approach to scaling Enlist “local” experts with knowledge tailored to the question and issues Compare like and contrast different approaches to similar issues among PBPs Synthesize knowledge derived from the above activities to determine what level of information is ADEQUATE for decision makers to project ES at a national scale. 6 6 Willamette Basin: A Place Based Study 7 7 Portland, OR Willamette Ecosystem Service District Landcover 65% Forest 20% Ag; 11% Urban 4% Riparian Wetland Not all forests are equal • • 8 8 High elevation (N sensitive or N retentive?) Broadleaf vs. Conifer CLIMATE OF OPPORTUNITY Why the Willamette? 9 9 Willamette “Ecosystem Service District” provides a broad range of LandUse/Land-Cover, stressors, gradients, and diverse, linked settings WED Alternative Futures research experience (mid 1990’s) = rich data sets, experienced researchers, potential collaborators (NRCS, USACE, USDAFS, USGS, OWOW, etc.) Well Connected Research and Regulatory Entities now Working toward future Ecosystem Service trading (Region X) Multiple related Star Grant recipients (OSU, OU, PSU) Willamette Partnership (State Non-Profit); OWEB Trading Scenario for Temperature (riparian wetland ecosystem service) rapidly developing – EPA Funding with Region X oversight ORD Multi-Year Plan – Ecosystem Research Program: provides explicit context Overall Goal: The W-ESP seeks to provide a scientifically based decision support system for valuing and projecting ecological services resulting from alternative management decisions Objectives: Quantify ecosystem services, including their distribution and status. Provide models to predict responses of ecosystem services to probable future conditions. Identify critical knowledge gaps in our understanding of how ecosystem services are provided. Evaluate net benefits of bundled ecosystem services and tradeoffs among management actions that affect these services. 10 10 11 11 Translating services into quantifiable spatial metrics Avoiding Unintended Consequences 12 12 Willamette Conceptual Model: ALL LAND USES Decisions Policy, Regulatory, Economic, Political… Forest Land Use Agricultural Land Use Riparian Land Use Water Quality & Quantity GCC Mitigation Environmental Stressors / Drivers Adaptive Management Δ Stressors / Drivers Climate Soils & Hydrogeomorphology Global Change Fish & Wildlife (Quantitative ERFs)* Δ Ecosystem Services (Quantitative EPFs)** STRUCTURE Species, Food Webs, Spatial Organization, Soils Ag & Forest Products Fish & Wildlife Recreation & Tourism Pests & invasives Fire Land Use Land Cover Water Use Chemicals Hunting & Land, Air, Water Fishing FUNCTION STRUCTURE FUNCTION Carbon, Nutrient & Water Cycling; Soil Formation & Degradation, Competition, Reproduction, Mortality, etc Species, Food Webs, Spatial Organization, Benthic & Water Column Carbon, Nutrient & Water Cycling; Sediment Dynamics, Groundwater Interactions Competition, Reproduction, Mortality, etc Carbon Sequestration Biodiversity GHG Regulation Recreation Air Quality Water Quantity Sense of Place Water Quality Extractive Energy, Minerals, Rx (of ES Bundle)*** $$$$$ 13 Δ Human Well-being*** Other Extractive Aquatic Ecosystem Δ Value 13 Wilderness Anthropogenic Stressors / Drivers Terrestrial Ecosystem Δ Ecosystem Energy & Minerals Non-Economic Value Stakeholder Prioritization Fire Regulation Sediment Regulation Inventory of Current Ecosystem Services: Approach and Knowledge Gaps 1. Identify key ecosystem services (ES) Willamette Ecosystem Services District 2. Determine appropriate units for ES 3. Develop an approach to inventory, “scale” and map ES 4. Identify knowledge gaps in assessing ES 14 14 Cross Place Based Coordination on ES ESRP-Wide “Common” Services Stressors Land Use • Forest • Agriculture • Riparian Sense of • Urban Place Global Change Stressors • Climate ?? Social Scientist ?? • CO2 • N deposition Chemicals • Fertilizers • Pesticides Productivity Models Carbon Wildlife Populations Storage PlantNutrient Communities Cycling Biogeochemistry Water Quality Hydrology Water Quantity Biodiversity 15 15 Willamette Terrestrial Services Ag products Forest products C sequestration Nutrient regulation GHG regulation Effects Habitat quality Wildlife populations Aquatic Services Water quality Water quantity Fish & waterfowl Definition of Terms Used to Determine Future Responses of Ecosystem Services to Multiple Response Variables Forcing Variables (Stressors) Natural and anthropogenic factors affecting quantifiable changes in the status (e.g. amounts & fluxes) of ecosystem processes ERF: Ecological Response Function The response of an ecosystem service to a particular forcing variable ETF: Ecological Trade-off Function The relationships between two (or more) ecosystem services in response to the same forcing variable (…and, eventually, multiple forcing variables) 16 16 Conceptual Framework ERF1 ERF2 N Export Crop Yield Ecosystem Service vs. Forcing Variable = ERF N Fertilization N Fertilization N Export Crop Yield Tradeoff = ETF N Fertilization Socioeconomics 17 • • • • • Food/fiber Yield Carbon Sequestration Water Quality Water Quantity GHG regulation (N2O, NOx, CH4 …) ERF X-axis: Forcing Variables ERF1 + ERF2 17 ERF Y-axis: Ecosystem Services Valuation & Trading of Ecosystem Services • • • • • • Soils & Geology Climate (Temp, Precip, Light, CO2) Fertilization Practices Tillage Practices Cover Type (Species, Riparian Buffers…) Many others… Some Agricultural ERFs & ETFs • Read vertically to compare responses (ERFs) for a given service to 3 different stressors • Read horizontally to assess trade-offs (ETFs) among 3 services at any given stressor level Water Quality 18 18 Soil Carbon Stream Nitrate Crop Yield Tillage Drought Index Tillage Tillage Soil Carbon Stream Nitrate Crop Yield Climate N Fertilization N Fertilization N Fertilization Tillage Carbon Sequestration Soil Carbon Crop Yield Fertilization Stream Nitrate Food Production Drought Index Drought Index Scaling Up Ecosystem Services – Using Biophyical Models Plots, Stands Hillslopes, Catchments Basin, Region Using nitrogen addition & export as an example… Hillslope-Scale ERFs ? High % sand Deep flowpaths ? Basin-Scale ERFs Less Buffers N Export Low % sand N Export Crop Yield Plot-Scale ERFs ? More Buffers Shallow flowpaths N Fertilization Buffer Width Ag:Forest Area Ratio Models: Statistical and Process-Based Synthesize & Scale Up Data Plots to Region, Days to Centuries 19 19 Issues of Scale 1. Spatial Extrapolation Known Unknown 2. Decision Making and the Adequacy of Scientific Understanding e.g. Region to Tax Lot 20 20 Develop an approach to inventory and map ES Inventory and mapping the location and value of Ecosystem Services is an essential activity of W-ESP W-ESP (Chan et al. 2006) 21 21 Decision Support System – General Structure Landscape Feedback Clients: making multiple decisions by selecting policies responsive to their objectives Quantification and Valuation of Ecosystem Services: apply indicators reflecting quantity Actions Landscape: Policy Selection Policies: Constraints and actions defining land use management decisionmaking Spatial domain in which land use changes and other stressors are depicted Natural Change Processes: Models of non-human change 22 22 Modified from John Bolte, Oregon State University Hypothetical ecosystem service values: Bundled by land use in the Willamette ESD Native Headwater Riparian Vegetated Forest Grassland Wetland forest buffer Rip Rap slope Row crop Grass seed Urban Relative value* + 0 Ecosystem Services Nutrient removal Temperature regulation - Carbon Sequestration Habitat Flood protection Food & Goods *Relative value could be a rate, say kg/ha/yr, or represent economic or social value. 23 23 Limitations Regarding Implementation Disciplinary Needs: Sociologist – Human Health and Well Being; Mediated Modeling Economist – Market and Non-Market Valuation Modelers – System Approaches and Scaling 24 24 25 25 26 26 End Product Options Relative Ecosystem Services Within an Ecosystem District A B Forest Row crop C Livestock SAV Mangrove Wetland Headwater wetland Rip Rap slope Vegetated buffer strip Urban 27 27 Scaling and Aggregation Under Alternative Management Scenarios Net Value of Services Management Option X Desired Outcomes: Forcing Variables: •Clean rivers •Fish & Wildlife •Flood control •Timber& Crops •Wetlands Place-Based Societal Issues & Values •Predicted climate change •Air pollution •Land use management •Population growth Research Targeted to Develop Ecological Response Functions (ERF) and Ecological Trade-off Functions (ETF) Natural & Anthropogenic Stressors Past, Present & Future Ecosystem Structure & Functioning Production Pools Decomposition Flows Ag-/De-gradation Land-Water Interactions C-Sequestration Mapped Ecosystem Services Future Projections N-control Critical habitat Water provisioning Water Quality Riparian wetland ES ERFs ETFs Projected and Quantified Bundles of Ecosystem Services W-ESP Decision Support System Societal Response & EPA Policy Actions 28 28 Tradable Ecosystem Service Units •Cost •Optimization •Market&Forces Futures Trading Analyses •Valuation Direct drivers (forcing variables) of ecosystem change Changes in land use Pollution Climate change Invasive species Overexploitation Other World Resources Institute 29 29 Collaborators and Stakeholders 30 30 ERFs, ETFs Have Many Dimensions High Sand% Stream Nitrate Crop Yield Tillage ? 31 31 ? High Sand% Drought Index High Sand% ? Low Sand% High Sand% ? Low Sand% Drought Index Low Sand% ? High Sand% N Fertilization Low Sand% ? High Sand% Tillage Tillage Stream Nitrate Climate Crop Yield Tillage Low Sand% Low Sand% N Fertilization N Fertilization Low Sand% ? Soil Carbon High Sand% High Sand% Soil Carbon ? Low Sand% Soil Carbon Fertilization Crop Yield Low Sand% Stream Nitrate Example 1: soil texture modifies the effects of the 3 stressors at left Carbon Food Water Sequestration Production Quality ? High Sand% Drought Index ERFs, ETFs Have Many Dimensions Example 2: the 3 stressors at left have interactive effects ? High Drought Index Stream Nitrate Crop Yield Tillage 32 32 ? Low N Fert Drought Index Low Drought Index ? High Drought Index High N Fert ? Low N Fert Drought Index Low Tillage ? High Tillage N Fertilization Low Drought Index ? High Drought Index Tillage Tillage Stream Nitrate Climate Crop Yield Tillage High N Fert Low Tillage N Fertilization N Fertilization Low Drought Index ? Soil Carbon High Tillage High Tillage Soil Carbon ? Stream Nitrate Crop Yield Fertilization Low Tillage Carbon Sequestration Soil Carbon Water Quality Food Production High N Fert ? Low N Fert Drought Index Ecosystem Research Program LTG 5 By 2013 ERP will complete site-specific demonstration projects that illustrate how regional and local managers can use alternative future scenarios to proactively conserve and enhance ecosystem goods and services in order to benefit human well-being and to secure the integrity and productivity of ecological systems. 33 33 34 34 Place Based Sites Tampa Bay – warm humid, 5 or so small watersheds, rapid urbanization, unique estuarine habitat, and high recreational use. Midwest – temperate, multi-state, bread basket, biofuel production and processing pressures, many unique habitats. Pacific Northwest – cool moist, strong policy and planning element for sustainable economic growth, focus on riparian forest. Coastal Carolinas – warm humid, wetlands loss and sea level rise, impacts to sensitive habitats and protected species. 35 35 Working Across Multiple Locations Provides opportunities to: Test similar methods in different locations Look at urban to rural gradient Evaluate variety of stressors Research ways to upscale results Develop coupled ecological/economic modeling/tools Reach out to larger audience 36 36 What are the common functions and services across places? Nutrient Cycling Water Quantity Productivity Biodiversity Water Quality Carbon Storage Sense of Place What are the likely contributions to human well being? Contribution to Well Being Land Value Existence Value Human Health Energy Recreation 37 37 Climate Mitigation Flood Control Food/Fiber Aesthetics Cultural Potable Water Habitat / refugia Biogeochemical Cycling Carbon pool storages standing biomass soil organic content 38 nature, location, quantity & arrangement Fresh water nature, location, quantity & arrangement Carbon sequestration net primary production Estuarine nitrification Grams nitrogen / unit area / unit time nature, location, quantity & arrangement Near-coastal, marine nature, location, quantity & arrangement Biodiversity Species counts Air quality regulation due to vegetation** Removal of pollutants Micro-climate regulation due to vegetation Changes in diurnal temperature ranges from background Denitrification (in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands) 38 Terrestrial microbial abundance; oxidation rate, (see Wolheim and others for proxies) Disturbance & Natural Hazard Regulation Food/Fiber Production Erosion Control kg/ha/year reduced Plant crops (grains, fruits, et Bushel /ha/year Flood Control Change in flood peaks (2yr., 10-yr., 50-yr. recurrence interval) Animal protein Terrestrial (livestock) lbs/ha, animals/ha Fire Control Fuel load Wild aquatic (commercial fish) “yearling” estimates, catch, change in catch, change in fish advisories Grazing Forage Production Livestock supported/ hay bale/ha Fuels Net energy production Biological Regulation Pollination Increased production due to pollinators Pest Control Diversity/distance from ideal/fragmentation Disease Control Host vector habitat 39 39 Recreational Water provisioning Quality EMAP condition indicators Hunting & Fishing Licenses/take Surface water storages usable volume/capacity Ecotourism/Nature Viewing/ trekking/ camping Visits /year Groundwater --maps of regional and alluvial aquifers -- recharge rates per unit area -- est’d. change in aquifer storage, or piezometric head., ft. above reference Boating Rentals/docking fees Recreational Sports Rentals Sense of place Spatially explicit visualization of change in landscape for selected service endpoints Spiritual value Spatially explicit estimates of change in indigenous nonconsumptive use service endpoints Existence value / behest value Spatially explicit visualization of change in landscape for selected service endpoints, including nonconsumptive use endpoints Timing: Maintenance of base flow Statistical measures of baseflow characteristics, and change in same Hydrologic regime Statistical measures of flow regime, and change in same 40 40