Business Plan Specimen Business Plan I T MANAGEMENT SERVICES I T MANAGEMENT SERVICES SPECIMEN BUSINESS PLAN CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE BUSINESS MARKET INFORMATION LOCATION PEOPLE CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FINANCE FINANCIAL APPENDICES PROJECTED PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT MONTHLY CASH FLOW PROJECTION PROJECTED BALANCE SHEET GENERAL APPENDICES NOT INCLUDED GIVEN THEIR SPECIFIC NATURE IT MANAGEMENT SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN 1 INTRODUCTION My name is Jane Williamson, I am 32 years of age and I have been employed for the past 8 years as IT Manager with the Anytown District Council. In the drive for cost reduction, the Council have decided to outsource the IT support function to a national company against my advice and the result is that my position has recently become redundant. With the experience that I have gained and my desire not to commit myself to any organisation where loyalty is a one way affair, I believe that this is the right time for me to set up my own IT Management Services business. I will operate the business from my home and will target the SME (small and medium sized enterprise) marketplace offering a wide range of IT related services. In addition to my practical IT and management experience gained in commerce and latterly in local government, I have an HND in Computer Network Support & Administration. A copy of my curriculum vitae is attached as General Appendix 1. My key objectives will be to offer my clients a quality service to retain their loyalty, and to build a successful business that will give me financial security in the future and enable me to work flexibly around my family. 2 THE BUSINESS The business will be formed as a sole trader in the first instance and I will trade under the name Anytown IT Management Services. My plan is to focus on the SME market, specifically companies which do not have their own in house IT Department. My services will include providing advice to clients on IT strategy, preparing invitations to tender, project managing the agreed IT development plans, and providing ongoing advice on IT development. It is not my intention to become involved in the highly competitive computer sale and installation market but rather to assist my clients in selecting the most appropriate tender. Initially I will work in the business on my own, but if successful I will consider employing a young assistant, who is willing to undergo appropriate training for the post. There are advantages and disadvantages in forming a business as a sole trader, partnership or private limited company. Since the choice can be dependent on individual circumstances, you should contact your business adviser to discuss the issue. 3 MARKET INFORMATION 3.1 Products and Services I will offer the following range of services to my clients:- - Assistance with developing an IT strategy Preparation of invitations to tender Advice on selecting appropriate suppliers Project management of the agreed IT development plan Training of staff in new systems Ongoing advice on IT development. It is my intention to operate as a consultant to senior management rather than to respond to staff queries about the systems in operation on a direct contact basis. 3.2 Market My target market will be the small and medium sized enterprise sector (SME). The Business Opportunities Profile that is included in the General Appendices points out that whilst increasing levels of computer networks and intranets have boosted the IT sector, the boom is now probably over. The sector however continues to benefit from the trend towards more outsourcing. From my previous experience working with Anytown District Council, I am confident that I can gain work in my target market, since most SMEs are not large enough to employ their own dedicated IT maintenance staff. 3.3 Competition While there are likely to be consultancy firms offering the type of service I propose, there are none that I was able to identify in the Anytown and surrounding area. There will be IT companies which offer strategy development and project management as part of a comprehensive IT support service. However, I believe that the experience that I can offer my clients of managing major IT development schemes and my ability to secure the best deals for hardware and software will convince potential customers to use my services. The other competition I will occasionally face will be for the larger projects from the large IT and accountancy firms but this is unlikely to be a common occurrence. 3.4 Marketing Activities My aim will be to establish a regular clientele and benefit from word of mouth recommendations. I will also introduce the following promotional activities to market my services:- Mailshots to SMEs outlining my services - Networking through the Anytown Chamber of Commerce - Internet web site. Through my contacts with computer supply companies, I anticipate receiving referrals from them. Indeed, my first commission has emanated from this source. 3.5 Prices and Margins I have carried out extensive checks on the hourly rates being charged by my main competitors, which are the large consultancy firms. I can operate profitably at significantly lower day rates and have decided to set my rate at £400 per day. The attached Financial Appendices show that this pricing structure will allow me to make sufficient profit to build a viable business. Since I will only be advising my clients who will be responsible for buying the IT equipment direct there are no direct costs associated with my sales. 3.6 Sales Plan First year sales assume a steady growth in the customer base, which is anticipated to continue during years two and three as illustrated: Consultancy Fees YEAR 1 £ 50,800 50,800 YEAR 2 £ 72,000 72,000 YEAR 3 £ 90,000 90,000 My first confirmed commission will yield £1,200 in the first month of operation. 4 LOCATION Initially, I will work from my home at 1 Main Street, Anytown in order to keep overheads as low as possible and to allow me to get my business established. If successful I may consider leasing small office premises at some time in the future to accommodate an IT consultant and admin support. 5 PEOPLE Initially I will operate the business on my own but if sales go according to plan I will employ a young IT consultant, in second year. I will look after the administration and record keeping of the business on a day to day basis in the medium term, but will engage an accountant to prepare my year-end accounts and tax return. 6 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE The estimated capital expenditure required to establish the business is £17,000 - full details are listed in the following table: - Computer System Motor Vehicle Office Furniture 7 £ 1,000 Second Hand 15,000 Second Hand 1,000 New 17,000 Dep% Principals Assets Principals Assets Principals Funds 33.3% 25.0% 15.0% FINANCE 7.1 Viability The Projected Profit and Loss Accounts for the first three years of trading are shown in summary form in the undernoted table and provided in detail as Financial Appendix 1. PROJECTED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT YEAR 1 YEAR 2 £ £ 50,800 72,000 Sales Less: Direct Costs 0 0 50,800 72,000 Gross Profit Less: Overheads 12,283 33,240 Net Profit/Loss 38,517 38,760 YEAR 3 £ 90,000 0 90,000 42,320 47,680 7.2 Direct Costs There are no direct costs associated with the business. 7.3 Overheads As the business will be registered with Customs and Excise for the purposes of Value Added Tax (VAT) during the first month of trading, Input VAT which is recoverable is not included in the following sections:Insurance Anticipated annual insurance premiums payable for professional indemnity will amount to £1,800. Repairs and Maintenance To ensure that the business operates effectively and is not hindered by inappropriate levels of computer downtime, an annual allowance of £360 has been included in the financial projections. Postage and Stationery Annual postage which will generally apply to correspondence is anticipated to cost £240. Office stationery costs have been budgeted at an annual cost of £580 in the first year. Advertising & Promotion An advertising and promotion budget of £600 has been allowed covering the costs of mailshots. The web site has been designed and installed by me since I have gained some experience in this area over recent years. Telephones - Telephones The cost of maintaining a business telephone number including line rental and call charges is estimated to incur £590 annually. - Mobile Telephones To ensure effective communication, an allowance of £480 has been provided to cover the cost of operating mobile telephone/s. - Internet Access To provide Internet access, £240 has been budgeted in the first year. Motor Expenses A budget of £1,960 has been provided for motor expenses in the first year as follows:- Road Tax – annual premium payable £160. Fuel - £480 per annum. Vehicle maintenance £600 per annum. Vehicle Insurance - £720; providing fully comprehensive cover. Professional Fees Annual accountant’s fee in preparation of annual return - £600. Other Expenditure A contingency of £600 per annum is included to cover the cost of sundry and unexpected expenditure. Depreciation The amount attributed to depreciation in the Projected Profit and Loss Account is £4,233. Full details relating to capital expenditure including condition and rate of depreciation are articulated in Section – Capital Expenditure. 7.4 Cash Flow The business will be registered with Customs and Excise for the purposes of Value Added Tax (VAT). The Monthly Cash Flow Forecast attached as Financial Appendix 2, is based on the following key assumptions:Customer Credit The business will grant its customers 30 day credit terms but in the interests of caution I have allowed 45 days credit. Supplier Credit It has been assumed that the business will not be granted credit from its suppliers which will be mainly stationery. Personal Drawings In the first year, I will take total personal drawings of £36,107, including Class 2 NI contributions. 7.5 Funding The initial funding requirement to establish the business including a contingency is £30,000 and will be raised as follows: £ Principal's Investment 25,000 Overdraft 5,000 30,000 The following sub-headings provide a detailed overview of the anticipated funding sources:Principals Investment I will invest a total of £25,000 in the start up phase of the business from assets (£16,000) and cash (£9,000) from savings raised for this purpose. Overdraft Facility I will request an overdraft facility of £5,000 from Anytown Bank to provide cover for contingencies. “It is possible that this business may qualify for start-up funding from local or national sources. These sources of funds are often at the discretion of the various funding bodies, and have not therefore been included in this Specimen Business Plan. You should consult your business adviser about how to apply for relevant funds”. -----000------ PROJECTED PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT IT MANAGEMENT SERVICES YEAR 1 £ £ 50800 100.0% 50800 SALES GROSS PROFIT OVERHEADS Indirect Employment Costs Insurance Repairs & Maintenance Postage & Stationery Advertising & Promotion Telephones Motor Expenses Professional Fees Other Expenditure Depreciation - Fixed Assets Total Overheads NET PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE DRAWINGS & TAX Personal Drawings 0 1800 360 820 600 1310 1960 600 600 4233 YEAR 2 £ 100.0% £ 72000 72000 18000 2000 360 750 600 1510 3020 700 700 5600 YEAR 3 £ 100.0% £ 90000 90000 26000 2150 360 860 600 1630 3320 800 800 5800 12283 38517 33240 38760 42320 47680 (36107) (36107) (36107) MONTHLY CASH FLOW PROJECTION IT MANAGEMENT SERVICES INCOME Sales Income (Turnover) VAT (Output) Owners Investment TOTAL INCOME EXPENDITURE Insurance Repairs & Maintenance Postage & Stationery Advertising & Promotion Telephones Motor Expenses Other Expenditure Capital Expenditure Drawings Class 2 NIC TOTAL EXPENDITURE VAT PAYMENTS/(RECEIPTS OPENING BANK BALANCE SURPLUS/DEFICIT FOR MONTH CLOSING BANK BALANCE PreStrt 0 0 25000 25000 Mth 1 0 0 0 0 Mth 2 1200 210 0 1410 Mth 3 2800 490 0 3290 Mth 4 3600 630 0 4230 Mth 5 4200 735 0 4935 Mth 6 4800 840 0 5640 Mth 7 3800 665 0 4465 Mth 8 2800 490 0 3290 Mth 9 4000 700 0 4700 Mth 10 5000 875 0 5875 Mth 11 5600 980 0 6580 Mth 12 5400 945 0 6345 TOTAL 43200 7560 25000 75760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17175 150 35 317 59 247 107 59 0 3000 8 3982 0 7825 (3982) 3843 150 35 59 59 118 107 59 0 3000 8 3594 0 3843 (2184) 1659 150 35 59 59 118 283 59 0 3000 10 3773 0 1659 (483) 1176 150 35 59 59 118 107 59 0 3000 8 3594 1253 1176 (617) 559 150 35 59 59 118 107 59 0 3000 8 3594 0 559 1341 1900 150 35 59 59 118 443 59 0 3000 10 3933 0 1900 1708 3608 150 35 59 59 118 107 59 0 3000 8 3594 1906 3608 (1035) 2573 150 35 59 59 118 107 59 0 3000 8 3594 0 2573 (304) 2269 150 35 59 59 118 283 59 0 3000 10 3773 0 2269 928 3197 150 35 59 59 118 107 59 0 3000 8 3594 2116 3197 165 3362 150 35 59 59 118 107 59 0 3000 8 3594 0 3362 2986 6348 150 35 59 59 118 283 59 0 3000 10 3773 0 6348 2573 8921 1800 423 964 705 1539 2149 705 17175 36000 107 61566 5275 17175 0 7825 7825 8921 8921 PROJECTED BALANCE SHEET COMPUTER MAINTENANCE FIXED ASSETS Cost Cumulative Depreciation NET FIXED ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Stock & Work in Progress Trade Debtors Prepayments Cash on Hand/In Bank £ £ £ 17000 4233 12767 0 8930 0 8920 17850 CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade Creditors Accruals Taxation VAT PAYE/NI Bank Overdraft 0 600 10269 2606 0 0 13475 4375 NET CURRENT ASSETS/LIABILITIES LOANS Bank Other 0 0 0 TOTAL NET ASSETS 17141 CAPITAL ACCOUNT Owners Investment Profit for Period Personal Drawings Taxation £ 25000 38517 (36107) (10269) 17141