To Basic Skills Committee:


To Basic Skills Committee:

Jennifer asked for some feedback from me about your planning document with regards to mathematic discipline.

Here are some ideas that have been discussed about our future goals for basic skills.

1. Look at the assessment test and multiple measures.

2. Look into offering math bridge programs. This will focus on students who assessed into a math class lower than the last math class they took in high school.

3. Focus on student’s reading skills, so they will be more successful in statistics and Mth 53.

4. Try to offer more basic skills classes so students can take math in their first semester at Chabot.

5. If students’ are assessed into a basic skills course, have the student take a diagnostic test and have the student enroll in the appropriate modules (fractions, decimals, real numbers, etc.)

6. Increase the amount of tutors for Mth 53. Increase number of workshops and learning assistants.

7. Review different software packages for diagnostic testing.

8. Move Mth 103 and Mth 104 to adult education.

9. Make basic skills courses no-credit courses.

10. Have a division general education program (pathway).

11. Making the STEM Center more inviting to our students.

12. Continue participation in FYE program.

13. Work with ESL to give our students more reading support for their math classes.

14. Experiment more with the flipped classroom.

15. Have student enroll in Mth 53A and Mth 53B in the same semester, so that if they don’t pass the second half of the course, they get credit for the first half.

16. Eventually get more High School students to take the EAP exam in their junior year.

17. Meet with high school teachers to discuss common issues with our students.

18. Find ways to teach our students good habits of mind (study skills).

All the above are to help and give our students support to complete their math requirements within two years.

Respectfully, Cindy
