Guidance notes

Guidance notes
For prospective student audiences please use the “World Changers Welcome” on the opening
and closing slides. For all other audiences please use “Inspiring People”. These brand
message components should only be used on opening and closing slides.
Slides 4 and 5 are approved and non-editable slides that should be used by recruitment staff
when presenting to external audiences.
Please do not put images on top of the full images in the template. If using multiple images
please use the blank slide.
Guidance notes cont…
We recommend using the images supplied in this template where possible. If you require
additional images the best resource is the University image bank at
If your presentation requires additional logos please place them on the bottom right of the
opening slide or use the blank slide in the template to display them.
If you require assistance or guidance, please email
Please use 44 font
size for your title
Please use 20 font size for your sub-title
Please use 44 font
size for your title
Please use 20 font size for your sub-title
This blank slide has been made available so that you
can add graphs, charts, screen grabs, multiple
images or insert video clips.
Best practice is to only have a title accompanying
your selected content.
Title: Font Arial Bold 24
Your body text should be Arial and
minimum font size 16 and we
recommend that you use the
images we have provided where
We recommend that you use
headings or bullet points
Your audience want to hear and
see you present not read from a
This is a closing
You can add your contact details, a call to
action or a simple Thank you using this slide
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Thank you
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