BSC 2011 Study Guide Chapter 19 Chapter 19 – Viruses

BSC 2011 Study Guide
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 – Viruses
1. characteristics of a virus; Why is a virus not considered a living organism/cell?
2. When and how were viruses first discovered?
3. What is the basic structure of viruses? genome components, capsid shapes, envelopes?
4. What are the general features of a viral replicative cycle?
5. differentiate between lytic and lysogenic cycles of bacteriophages
6. How are animal viruses classified?
7. How does an animal virus with an envelope replicate?
8. What are the replicative features of a retrovirus (like HIV)?
9. How do vaccines work to prevent viral illnesses? How basically do antiviral drugs control
viral infection?
10. differentiate between an epidemic and a pandemic
11. differentiate between horizontal transmission and vertical transmission of viruses in plants
12. What is a viroid? What is a prion?
Key Terms – helical viruses, icosahedral viruses, capsid, capsomere, glycoprotein, viral
envelope, bacteriophage, phage, host range, virulent phage, restriction enzymes, temperate
phages, prophage, retrovirus, reverse transcriptase, HIV, AIDS, provirus, vaccine, emerging
Note: This study guide may not be all inclusive of material covered. The student is responsible for learning all
material covered in lecture and as expected as part of this course.