SYLLABUS English 2300 Prof. McFrederick

English 2300
Prof. McFrederick
Spring 2010
In this class, you will continue to develop the communication skills you practiced in ENC
1101 and 1102. You will analyze various forms of communication as they are used in
popular culture. You will study and practice your abilities by reading, listening, writing
and speaking.
Texts: Common Culture: Reading and Writing about American Popular Culture,Sixth
Edition, Editors Petracca and Sorapure
An approved style manual with MLA
Perfect attendance is recommended. However, since emergencies can happen,
absences will count directly against your grade only after three are recorded. Each
absence over three will lower your final grade count by 150 points (equal to one letter
grade). Missing classes as many as six times will result in a failing grade or, if seven
absences have accumulated early in the term, purging from the role
Late papers: FORMAL ESSAYS will be accepted up to one week after the due
day with a 10% grade penalty. After one week NONE will be accepted.
Oral Presentations can be rescheduled only through prior arrangement. Otherwise,
if you miss your scheduled time, you CANNOT MAKE IT UP. (See other handouts for
oral-presentation and audience decorum.)
Expect unannounced quizzes over readings and concepts discussed in class.
Quizzes are short and relatively informal; they are usually given at the beginning of class
and cannot be made up.
You are required to set up your account immediately and to keep
track of due dates listed on turnitin.
Grading Point System:
Turnitin Responses, Summaries, and Analyses …… 350
Formal Essay (introduction’s media analysis) I….. 100
Formal Essay (on justification) II …..
Dyad Oral Web Page Analysis …..
Triad Oral Analysis …..
Formal Essay III (in-class on Movie ……..
Class Work (includes quizzes) ………..
Peer Review and Speech Coaching …..
English 2300
Prof. McFrederick
Spring 2010
Week One:
Course Orientation and Introductions.
250-word in-class essay introducing yourself
Two-minute Oral Introduction of Self.
Read Com. Cult. Pages 1 – 6 for W..
Essay see turnitin for due date: Support a thesis by
comparing and contrasting your experience and relative
success of your speaking and writing the introduction.
(100) (submit to and to me). You will receive
id and password in class.
Week Two:
Reactions and Analyses of speeches at
I will provide you with your id and password for your to set
up and account at . Then you will follow
instructions for each assignment.
Week Three:
American Rhetoric Analyses Continue.
Week Four :
FORMAL ESSAY : see turnitin for due date
Read: Com. Cult. 6 –21..
See Turnitin for Barbie summaries.
Week Five :
Barbie Debates.
Week Six :
Read Com. Cult. pp. 46 – 47, pp. 71 – 88, and pp. 102 –
127. (This reading will provide concepts for dyads)
Analysis of Visual Rhetoric
Dyads Prepare for Oral Presentation Analyzing Web Pages
English 2300
Prof. McFrederick
Spring 2010
English 2300
Prof. McFrederick
Spring 2010
Week Seven :
Dyad Continue Preparation
Dyads Present Analyses F. 10/9
Week Eight:
Dyad Presentations Continue.
In- Class Newton Minow on Television.
Week Nine and Ten :
Develop and Choose a Proposition for Your Triad.
(thesis, antithesis, synthesis)
1) You will choose one of the categories of popular
culture that is discussed in the text. These include: First
on Schedule: Television, Second: Technology, Third:
Sports and Games, Fourth: Movies, Fifth: Popular
2) You will then be assigned to a group of three people.
3) Your group will choose an essay from one of the five
sections in the text and develop a proposition.
4) You will agree on roles (thesis, antithesis, synthesis) to
present in your group presentation. We will discuss this
much more in class.
5) You will announce the chosen essay and proposition to
the rest of class so that all class members will have read
the essay.
Week Eleven through Fifteen:
Presentations Proceed. Time ranges and other requirements
will be explained in class.
Final Week:
Movie Analysis.