Cause and Effect Essay Assignment.doc

Cause and Effect Essay Assignment
1) Choose one of the topics listed below and developed a Cause and Effect essay.
Cause and Effect Topics
a) What are the reasons behind the proposed cuts in educational funding, and what might be
the results?
b) Identify causes of water pollution and its consequences.
c) Many Americans prefer to work in the public sector, rather than in the private sector.
What are the reasons for this, and what effects does it have on the United States?
d) Diabetes and heart attacks are on the rise in the United States. What are the main causes
of this, and what effects could this have for individuals and the government?
e) What are some of the causes of global warming? What could some of the effects be?
2) Please follow MLA style when typing and submitting your work. The link below will
direct you to a website that provides the basic guidelines and easy to follow examples.
3) For this essay, you MUST use HCCaskonline and visit a writing center tutor at least once
before submission of the final draft to