BSC 2085 Class Notes Chapter 7, Part B, Fall 2010
What are the 2 functions of the vertebral column?
The vertebral column contains 7 ________________ vertebrae, 12 __________________ vertebrae,
5 _______________ vertebrae, the _________________ and the ________________.
The ________________ and __________________ vertebrae have posteriorly concave curvatures, and
the _________________ and __________________ vertebae have posteriorly convex curvatures.
What are 3 types of abnormal spine curvatures (and please describe each)?
Please name and describe the types of connections for the 4 types of ligaments that support the
vertebral column:
What are the 2 parts of the Intervertebral Disc?
Please Label the General Structure of a Vertebra shown above:
What are the 4 major parts of a general vertabra (not including Processes)?
There are ___________ processes per vertebra; please name the 4 types of Vertebral Processes:
What are 4 features shared by Cervical Vertebrae C-3 to C-7 vertabrae?
What are 3 unique features of C-1 (Atlas)?
The Cervical Vertebra C-2 (Axis) has a ____________ that projects upward, and this unique feature
have this function:
The Thoracic Vertebrae T-1 to T-12 have a _____________ spinous process; all articulate with the
_____________ and Thoracic vertebrae allow _____________ of the spine.
The Lumbar Vertebrae L-1 to L-5 have hatchet shaped ____________________ and lock together to
_________________ rotation of the spine.
The Sacrum is ____________ fused vertebrae that form the posterior wall of the _______________, and
articulates laterally with the ____________ bones.
The _______________ is commonly called the tailbone (end of the vertabrae).
The Thoracic Cage is made of these three things:
The Thoracic Cage has these three functions:
The Sternum is made of these 3 fused bones:
Ribs 1 through 7 are called ___________ ribs. Ribs 8 -10 are called ___________ ribs. Ribs 11-12 are
called ___________ ribs because they ____________ attach to the Sternum.
What are the 4 main parts of a typical rib?
_________________ attach the ribs to the thoracic vertebrae.