American Federal Government (305) 237–2474

Miami-Dade College – Kendall Campus
Social Science Department, 6206
Fall 2004-1
POS 2041 – American Federal Government
Prof. Maggie Rubio - (305) 237–2474
E-mail Addresses:
Course Description
This is an introductory level course intended to give students a comprehensive
overview of the institutions (Congress, Presidency, the Courts) and processes and
actors (elections, voting behavior, political parties, campaigns, interest groups,
and the media) which operates in the American political system. We will focus
on the origins, development, and current state of American Political institutions
and democratic process. Along the way we will discuss contemporary issues such
as campaign finance reform, and congressional term limits.
The course provides 3 college credits that are readily transferable within the
Florida State University System.
Course Activities
Class activities will include lectures, videos, group discussions, and group
presentations/activities. Students participation in class discussions is essential to learning
the course materials.
While course material is theoretical, course assignments and discussions are designed to
interpret, understand and evaluate our everyday encounter with the federal, state, regional
and local governments.
You are expected to be a participant in the class. presentations.
Policies, Procedures, and Courtesies
Examinations must be taken on the day assigned. Make-ups will be given only in
the case of excused absences, such as a verifiable illness.
Written assignments and papers are due in class at the beginning of the period on
the day assigned. Late papers will be penalized 20% of the points. No papers
will be accepted one week beyond the due date.
Students are responsible for adapting to any announcement in class concerning
changes in due dates, examinations and schedules.
Students are encouraged to discuss their assignments with others, but all written
work must be your own. Original work is expected of every student, and any
plagiarism will result in an automatic F in the course. If you have any doubts what
constitutes plagiarism, ask.
Class participation is essential and is an important factor in the evaluations that
determine your course grade. This course requires your presence and active
participation in all classroom activities and discussions.
Required Textbooks
“America at Odds” – Fourth edition
Edward Sidlow and Beth Henschen
There will be four examinations and a final (this last one is optional) for this class,
(multiple choice questions as well as essay questions).
Group Project
There will be one major group assignment. Students will be required to do a
research paper on an area of local, state or federal government. This topic must
also be presented to the class. Project due week of Nov 22, 2004
Other Assignments/Quizzes & Group Presentations
You will be assigned two chapters from the textbook to present as a group. You
can use any media to do your presentations. However every member of the group
must participate. Each presentation is worth 50 points.
You will also be asked to participate in classroom debates using information
provided by the CD included with your textbook as well as web searches.
Small Group Presentations
Group Project
Quizzes/Other Assignments
200 points
100 points
100 points
75 points
25 points
500 points
A = 450 or more
B = 400 to 449
C = 350 to 399
D = 300 to 349
F = 299 or fewer
The level of success that you personally wish to achieve is possible in this class.
It requires, however, that you commit to being an active participant. You must
devote adequate time to do your reading, complete your required assignments
accurately, on time, and study. Take responsibility for your own learning and for
your own success. Ask questions; seek help; put forth maximum effort and you
will be successful.
There will be some opportunities to earn some x-tra credit points. All cellular phones and
pagers must be turned off
Updated December 11, 2003
“BEFORE” entering class.