Annex A: Impact assessment

Annex A: Impact assessment
An Impact Assessment has not been prepared for this Legislative Reform
Order. The amendments to section 4 of the Children and Young Persons Act
2008 does not have a direct impact on the private or civil society sectors
(avoiding the imposition of a burden that would otherwise come into effect with
the commencement of part 1 of that Act). The impact on public sector
organisations, predominantly Ofsted and also local authorities, is again one of
avoiding the imposition of burden, rather than a material change to existing
arrangements. The Regulatory Policy Committee has confirmed that the
proposal to remove the registration and inspection requirements at section 4
of that act is properly classified as trivial/mechanical.
Equality and diversity
The Government has also had due regard to its obligations under the Public
Sector Equality Duty to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of
opportunity and foster good relations and can confirm that the repeal of
section 138 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 will not have any
negative impact on equality or diversity.