Study Guide Chapter 5

Study Guide Chapter 5
Periodic Law (due test day) Name ___________________ block_______
The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.
Section: 5-1
I. History of the Periodic Table
l. What did Mendeleeve discover when he arranged the cards according to properties?
2. What two discoveries did Moseley make?
3. Define Periodic Law:
Labeling the periodic table
l. elements going sideways are called _______________________
2. The period number tells you ____________________________
3. Elements going down a column are called a _________________ or _____________________
4. Group numbers tell you ____________________________________________________
5. ________________ or _______________________exhibit the same chemical characteristics.
6. Elements in group one are called __________________________
7. Elements in group two are called ___________________________
8. Elements in group 3 – 12 are called __________________________
9. Elements in group 17 are called ______________________________
10. Elements in group l8 are called _________________________
11. Elements with atomic number 58-71 are called ____________________________
12. Elements with atomic number 90-103 are called __________________________
13 Where on the periodic chart are the non-metals located? ________________________
14. Where on the periodic chart are the metals located? ____________________________
13 Where on the periodic chart are the metalloids located? __________________________
Section: 5-2
Electron Configurat6ion and the Periodic Table
Blocks of the Periodic Table
l. Which groups are filling the s sublevels? _______________________
2. Which groups are filling the p sublevels? _________________________
3. Which groups are filling the d sublevels? _________________________
4. Where are the elements in the f sublevel? _______________________
The s-Block Elements : Groups 1 and 2
The elements of the s block are chemically reactive metals. The elements of Group 1 are known as the alkali
metals and have electron configurations of ns1. Alkali metals are very reactive, can be explosive, low
melting points, and not found in nature as free elements.
Name 3 characteristics of each element
List the alkali metals____________________________________________________________________
Hydrogen is a special case in the classification of elements. H has a ls1 configuration but does not share the
properties of group 1. H is a gas.
Elements of group 2 are called the alkaline-earth metals and have an electron configuration of ns2. They are
harder and less reactive than the alkali metals, however they are still too reactive to be found in nature as free
elements. Group 1 elements are more reactive than group 2 elements.
List all alkaline-earth metals ________________________________________________________________
The d Block Elements: Group 3-12
The d block elements are group 3-12. These elements are filling the d orbitals. These elements are called the
transition elements.
There are some deviations but in all cases the sum of the outer shell d and s electrons equal the group number.
These are metals, good conductors of electricity, have high luster, and are less reactive than alkali and
alkaline-earth metals. Some are nearly non-reactive.
What 3 transition elements make steel?
As of today what are the only 3 elements that can be made into magnets?
Most abundant metal on planet earth?
Second most abundant metal but used the most?
The p block Elements: Group 13-17
These elements are filling the p orbitals. . Most are either gases or powders. These elements along with the s
block elements are known as the Main Group elements. Poor conductors of heat and electricity.
Inside this block is a stair step dividing the metals and non-metals. The elements touching the stair steps are
called ________________________. They are mainly used as semi-conductors for computers. The
metalloids are
Define Allotrope:
List 3 allotropes for Carbon: p. 626
List 2 allotropes for Oxygen________________________________________________________
How is Ozone made? _____________________________________________________________
Group l7: The Halogens
Halogens are the most reactive of the nonmetals. They react vigorously with most metals to form compounds
known as salts. The reactivity is based on the presence of seven electrons in their outer energy levels.
List the halogens:_______________________________________________________________________
Iodine undergoes sublimation. Define sublimation:_________________________________________
What compound also undergoes sublimation?______________________________________________
Group l8: Noble Gases
This group is largely un-reactive. This stability results from their electron configuration. Their highest
occupied orbitals are completely filled with electrons. Remember the octet definition, ( filled s and p orbitals
in the highest energy levels).
A common use for the Noble gases is_______________________________________.
Define Valence Electron: ______________________________________________________________
How many valence Electrons do the following elements contain? Al_____
Ca ______
I ________
Without looking at the periodic chart write the Noble Gas configuration for the Group 2 element found on the
fourth period. _______________________________ Identify element ______________________
Identify the following element [Xe]5d26s2
Identify the following element [Kr]4d105s2 __________________
Without looking at the periodic table give the group, period, and block in which the element with the electron
configuration is located [Kr]5s24d9
Period #_______ group#_______ block_______
Draw the 5 periodic charts with trends and definition.
1. In which section of the periodic table are the most electronegative elements found?
1) upper left
2) lower left
3) upper right
4) lower right
5) island at bottom
2. The elements in the periodic table are arranged
1) in order of increasing atomic
2) with all the gases first, followed by the solids;
3) according to
the volume of the atoms;
4) in order of increasing atomic number.
3. In the same group of elements the ionization energy tends to decrease with increasing
atomic number. This is due partially to the
1) decreasing size of the atom itself.
2) increasing forces of attraction.
3) outer electrons being closer to the nucleus.
4) outer electrons being farther from the nucleus.
4. The most active of the following elements of the Sodium Family is
1) 11Na;
2) 20Ca;
3) 37Rb;
4) 55Cs;
5) 87Fr.
5. Of the following, the pair that contains two metals most similar to each other in
chemical activity is: 1) aluminum and silver;
2) aluminum and potassium;
3) calcium and magnesium;
4) copper and iron.
6. Which trend is observed as the atomic numbers of Group IIA, the alkaline earth
metals, increase?
1) atomic size decreases
2) metallic properties decrease
3) ionization potential increases
4) the tendency to lose electrons increases
7. With increase of atomic number in a given family,
1) electronegativity and ionization energy decrease;
2) electronegativity and ionization energy increase;
3) electronegativity decreases while ionization energy increases;
4) electronegativity increases while ionization energy decreases.
8. Two properties of most nonmetals are
1) low ionization energy and electrical conductivity;
2) high ionization energy and poor electrical conductivity;
3) low ionization energy and poor electrical conductivity;
4) high ionization energy and good electrical conductivity.
9. Which of the following particles has the smallest radius?
1. Na
2. K
3. Na+
4. K+
10. Which sequence of elements is arranged in order of decreasing atomic radii?
1. Al,Si.P
2. Li, Na, K
3. Cl, Br, I
4. N, C, B
11. Which element has an atomic radius that is greater than its ionic radius?
1. sulfur
2. potassium
3. fluorine
4. oxygen