Covington Chronicle Mrs. Covington’s Third Grade News Week of October 12

Covington Chronicle
Mrs. Covington’s Third Grade News
A note from the teacher:
I will be conducting Teacher/ Parent Conferences between
October 19th-29th . I sent home the conference Sign-Up
sheet last week in Friday Folders. Please choose 3 times you
are available or an alternate day and time and return ASAP.
I look forward to meeting with you all.
Learning Targets this Week:
I can create equal groups of objects.
I can relate repeated addition to multiplication grouping.
I can identify a multiplication word problem.
I can solve a multiplication word problem.
I can create my own word problem using objects and equal groups.
*Jim purchased 5 packages of muffins. Each package contained 3 muffins.
How many muffins did Jim purchase? 5 groups of 3, 5 x 3 = 15. Describe
another situation where there would be 5 groups of 3 or 5 x 3.
*Sonya earns $7 a week pulling weeds. After 5 weeks of work, how much has
Sonya worked? Write an equation and find the answer. Describe another
situation that would match 7x5.
Literacy: *
*I can determine the meaning of content specific words in a text. (3.RI.4)
*I will go back in the text to find clues near the word to help determine
the meaning.
I will find the meaning of words using linking words from the text.
(or, like, as, or for example).
Week of October 12th
Response to Intervention (RTI)
This week we are starting our official RTI
groups. These interventions will take place
every day for 30 minutes. Students are
grouped based on their specific individual
needs and will move on as they master each
skill. Teachers will monitor their progress and
use data to pinpoint where they need the
most support. (phonics, fluency,
comprehension, math skill, enrichment) We
are looking forward to 3rd graders growing
leaps and bounds with their reading and math
skills! 
October 16th: Fall Pictures this is a pre-pay event. If
sending cash please send the exact amount the school
with not have change. ALL STUDENTS WILL BE
October 21st: Early Release Day
October 23rd: Boo Bash (5-8pm)/ Hat Day $1
October 23rd: Fuel Up to Play 60 Kick-off
October 27th: Last Day of 1st Quarter
October 29th: Panthers Field Trip
* I can compare solids, liquids, and gases based on their basic
properties including the water cycle.
*I can summarize changes that occur to the observable properties of
materials when different degrees of heat are applied to them, such as
melting ice or ice cream, boiling water or an egg, or freezing water.
October 30th: Teacher Workday/ Parent Conferences