PROYECTO ¿Cómo vas? Student Instructions Overview:

¿Cómo vas?
Student Instructions
MINI TEATRO: Your friend is new to town and needs to get to a specific place (chosen by
you) but does not how to get there from school. You will give your friend directions and show
him around your community as you guide him/her to get to his final destination.
1. PREPARACIÓN- Create a skit and a visual and act out: Your friend is asking you how to get
somewhere in your community ie: How do you get to your Spanish classroom from the cafeteria? or
How do you get to your house from the school? or How do you get to the park or any other place in the
community? Use irregular verbs commands and create a visual for your presentation.
• Create a scenario as to where your friend needs to go and why. What does he/she need?
• Use irregular verb commands to tell your friend how to get to the place he/she needs to go
• Describe landmarks and other places in the community he/ will pass by to get to his final destination
• Create a visual with names of streets, landmarks, signs and any other creative vocabulary you can add
to your presentation.
2. PRACTICA- Work with your partner and practice your roles. You can use your written notes when
you practice, but not during your mini teatro. As you practice with your partner(s), seek their feedback
to correct errors you have made to improve your overall performance.
3. PRESENTACIÓN- This presentation is live and you may not use notes. Present your directions to
the class explaining your visual and getting to the destination of choice.
Student Learning Assessment: Students will be assessed on how well they sustain a
conversation, how complete the presentation is and how well you use new and previously
learned vocabulary and structures.
Note: A detailed Rubric has been provided for this project
¿Cómo vas?
Me llamo: __________________________
Evidence of
Your skit is well prepared and
orderly. Evidence of corrected
draft and layout. Your Visuals
were perfect for the presentation
and very appealing.
You are thorough when
Bloque _________________
13 pts.
Needs improvement
Draft was written and layout
One part is completed Draft
created, but not corrected. Skit is was written but lacks info
mostly prepared and orderly.
and is not corrected. OR
Some parts are not completed
other parts are not
according to instructions. Visual is completed according to
appealing and presentation is
instructions Visual is
mostly thorough
provided but it does not
enhance presentation.
10 pts.
No written draft or sketch
provided. Does not complete
any parts fully. No skit is
presented to teacher No
visual provided. Presentation
lacks substance.
Dialogue was easy to understand Dialogue was difficult to
Comprehensibility Dialogue was very easy to
with some errors. Some visuals
understand, lacks
accurate with supporting visuals used and/or gestures that helped completeness and was
and gestures. Speech is
continuous with no pauses or
Pronunciation enhances
Dialogue was barely
understood. OR Translator
was used. No visuals/photos
for comprehension. Speech is
unorganized. Few visuals and no gestures were
mostly continuous with few to no and gestures.
included. Speech halting and
pauses or stumbling. There is
Speech is choppy and/or
uneven with long pauses
some hesitation but manages to
slow with frequent pauses; and/or incomplete thoughts.
continue and complete thoughts. and some incomplete
Pronunciation frequently
Pronunciation does not interfere thoughts. Pronunciation
interfere with
with communication.
occasionally interferes with communication.
Student conjugates verbs
Student mostly conjugates verbs
Use of new and
correctly for context, pays notice
previously learned
to noun-adjective agreement and to noun-adjective agreement and
vocab, grammar
uses appropriate grammar. You uses appropriate grammar. You
and structures
use recently acquired and
use only recently acquired
previously learned vocabulary
and structures.
Gives partially complete
Completeness of Contains details that develop
Language Control Always responds to partner,
Student conjugates some
verbs correctly for context,
pays notice to nounadjective agreement in some
cases and sometimes uses
appropriate grammar. You
use very limited and
repetitive vocabulary.
Student does not conjugate
verbs. There is no noun
adjective agreement used.
Does not use appropriate
grammar for this level. You
barely use any appropriate
vocabulary to convey the
Gives limited directions.
Gives incomplete directions
Does not use affirmative Tú
Provides frequent responses of
Provides some
listens, and asks follow up
follow up to what partner says.
conversational responses or
questions or volunteer additional Emerging control of basic
follow up but it is limited in
information. Control of basic language structures. Relatively
nature. Emerging use of
language structures. with
interesting, rehearsed with a fairly basic language structures
occasional use of advanced
smooth delivery that usually holds Delivery not smooth, but
language structures. Interesting, audience attention. Uses direct eye able to hold audience
well-rehearsed with smooth and contact, but still returns to notes attention most of the time.
clear delivery that holds
when talking to others.
Uses minimal eye contact.
audience attention.
Uses English on one
Provides no conversational
response or follow up to what
partners say. Inadequate
and/or inaccurate use of basic
language structures. Delivery
not smooth and audience
attention lost. No eye contact
with audience. Reads script.
Uses English on more than
one occasion.