Mr. Sullivan Name ____________________________ AP World History Date ___________________ Review – Periodization #5- Industrialization and Global Integration, c. 1750 to c. 1900 Key Terms: Afrikaners Battle of Adowa Colonialism Industrial Revolution Nationalism New Imperialism Scramble for Africa Sokoto Caliphate Suez Canal Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Crimean War Eastern Question Greek Independence Janissaries Sick Man of Europe Tanzimat Young Ottomans Young Turks Bannermen Clipper Ships British East India Company (EIC) Indian Civil Service Maori Most-Favored Nation Status Opium War Raj Sepoys Sepoy Rebellion Treaty of Nanking Taiping Rebellion Declaration of the Rights of Man Enlightenment Estates General Jacobins Labor Unions Liberalism Mass Production National Assembly Nationalism Positivism Revolutions of 1848 Socialism Separate Spheres Victorian Age Abolitionists Confederate States of America Creole Declaration of Independence Enlightenment Free-Trade Imperialism Gran Columbia Haitian Revolution Mexican-American War Spanish-American War Berlin Conference Modernization Palm Oil South African War Zulu Extraterritoriality Nationalism Ulama Aborigines Durbars Indentured Servants Meiji Restoration Nawab Russo-Japanese War Sino-Japanese War Congress of Vienna Division of Labor Industrial Revolution Laissez-Faire Mechanization Pan-Slavism Slavophile Steam Engine American Revolution Constitutional Convention Empire of Brazil Gens de Colour Industrialism Platt Amendment Monroe Doctrine You Should Be Able To: 1. Compare and contrast the ideologies and motivations distinguishing Old Imperialism from New Imperialism 2. Explain how different African leaders and peoples interact with each other, and how European nation’s relationship to African peoples change 3. Identify and describe the role the abolition of slavery and the continued growth of British overseas trade played in the immigration to the Caribbean and elsewhere of peoples from Africa 4. Identify and explain the motivations of the industrial nations to conquer new territories, and describe the means they used to accomplish this 5. Explain why imperialists were drawn to the natural resources of Africa, and identify the impact their presence on the continent had on the environment 6. Identify and explain the social, political, economic and religious effects of imperialism in Africa 7. Explain how imperialism contributed to the growth and globalization of the world economy 8. Explain why African trading empires continued to control most parts of eastern and western Africa before the 1850s 9. Describe the moral pressure applied and the changes implemented in the global economy that led to the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade by 1867 10. Explain how imperialism and nationalism fed the desire of European nations for increased influence in Africa by the 1870s 11. Explain how New Imperialism reshaped the continent of Africa as European countries began exerting political, economic, and cultural control over their African colonies 12. Describe how in the “Scramble For Africa”, European nations carved up the continent into remaining colonial possessions, with only Ethiopia and Liberia remaining independent 13. Compare and contrast the ideologies and motivations distinguishing Old Imperialism from New Imperialism 14. Identify and explain the motivations of the industrial nations to conquer new territories, and describe the means they used to accomplish this 15. Explain how imperialism contributed to the growth and globalization of the world economy 16. Identify and describe the benefits and drawbacks to the Ottoman Empire of the reforms adopted during the Tanzimat period 17. Identify and explain how the Middle East changed as a result of World War I 18. Identify the social, political and economic challenges and setbacks faced by the Ottoman Empire during the 19th century that contributed to its decline in power 19. Explain how the modernization reforms imposed in the Ottoman Empire failed to address or advance the issues faced by women in the region 20. Explain the motivation and objectives of the proposed Eastern Question as a way to mitigate the crisis created by the “sick old man of Europe” 21. Explain how the rise of the Young Turks and the subsequent nationalistic reforms led to a crackdown on ethnic minorities and closer alignment with Germany on the eve of World War I 22. Explain the impact of European imperialism on China 23. Explain how the British secured its hold on India, and identify and describe the colonial policies that led to the beginnings of Indian nationalism 24. Explain how the forces of nationalism affected the major powers of Europe 25. Identify and describe the motivations of the industrial nations to conquer new territories, and identify and explain the means they used to accomplish this 26. Identify and explain the social and cultural effects of imperialism in Asia 27. Explain how imperialism contributed to the growth and globalization of the world economy 28. Explain how European colonialism directly and indirectly affected Asia as they attempted to grow their imperial possession 29. Explain how Great Britain’s creation of an efficient bureaucracy reshaped India socially, politically and economically 30. Explain how the Qing Dynasty in China was threatened by internal economic crisis and rebellion and by increasing pressure to open up the nation to European colonial powers 31. Explain how after the Chinese Revolution of 1911 the nation was unable to unite under a single government 32. Explain how Japan was able to limit the influence of the European and American colonial powers and become a strong, modernized, and industrial imperialist power itself 33. Explain how nationalism is the natural response to imperialism and attracted support from the intelligentsia 34. Explain how the costs associated with the imperial wars combined with the revolutionary thought in the Enlightenment challenged the authority of monarchs and religion in Europe 35. Identify and explain the underlying causes and trigger events of the French Revolution 36. Identify and explain the immediate and long term effects of the French Revolution on France, Europe and the world 37. Explain how revolution in one country helped incite revolution elsewhere 38. Identify the causes of the Industrial Revolution and explain the immediate and long term impact on Europe and the world 39. Identify the key innovations that increased productivity and drove industrialization 40. Describe the impact of these industrial changes on society and the environment of the industrializing nations 41. Explain how the Industrial Revolution influenced the rise of new economic and political ideas 42. Describe the new relationship between the industrialized world and the nonindustrialized world as a result of the Industrial Revolution 43. Explain how the Russian Empire maintained its status as both a European power and a great Asian land empire 44. Identify new technologies and industries appearing between 1850 and 1900, and explain how they affected the world economy 45. Explain the changes experienced in societies of the industrial countries during this era 46. Explain how the rise of industrialization contributed to the formation and growth of the socialist and labor movements 47. Explain why the French Revolution produced a conservative reaction throughout Europe, leading traditional elites to actively suppress radical movements 48. Describe how European industrialization linked the global economy, as trade in raw materials and manufactured goods increased in all parts of the world by the end of the 19th century 49. Explain how the rise of nationalism in the 19th century led to the birth and unification of several new nations based on nationalistic fervor 50. Explain how this nationalistic fervor helped set the world on the path to war by 1914 51. Explain how nationalism transformed from a revolutionary to a conservative ideology 52. Explain how the costs associated with the imperial wars combined with the revolutionary thought in the Enlightenment challenged the authority of monarchs and religion in Europe 53. Identify and explain the underlying causes and trigger events of the America Revolution 54. Identify and explain the immediate and long term effects of the American Revolution on the United States, Latin America and the world 55. Explain how revolution in one country helped incite revolution elsewhere 56. Compare and contrast the ideologies and motivations distinguishing Old Imperialism from New Imperialism 57. Identify and describe the role the abolition of slavery and the continued growth of British overseas trade played in the immigration to the Caribbean and elsewhere of peoples from Africa 58. Identify and explain the motivations of the industrial nations to conquer new territories, and describe the means they used to accomplish this 59. Explain how and why the American Revolution created the first constitutional democracy and influenced revolutionary movements throughout the world 60. Explain the forces leading to the creation of limited political democracy in which only a minority of the population participated in the Americas 61. Explain why independence came to Latin American nations in the 19th century, but the creation of stable successful governments was difficult 62. Explain how the process of industrialization resulted in a North America that manufactured goods and a Latin America that supplied the raw materials for these consumer goods 63. Identify and describe the new social and economic challenges faced by Latin America and the social reform movements that rose to face the challenges 64. Explain why the United States became the dominant economic and political force in the Americas and began building and empire after its victory in the Spanish-American War 65. Identify and explain the underlying causes and trigger events of the revolutions for independence in Latin America 66. Identify and describe the major political challenges faced by the Western Hemisphere nations in the 19th century 67. Explain how economic modernization and the effects of abolition, immigration, and the women’s rights change the nations of the Western Hemisphere Frequently Asked Exam Questions: Be able to compare colonial wars and fiscal crisis in different empires as part of the analysis of empire development Study how changes in social structure led to revolution in the 18 th & 19th centuries Compare the Haitian Revolution with the French Revolution Factors leading to he rise of nationalism The transformative effects of the Industrial Revolution are an important topic for the AP course Understand how the Industrial Revolution influenced changes in social structure Understand the changes in gender roles that developed as part of the Industrial Revolution Be familiar with the impact and limitations of political reform movements in the 19th century Latin American independence movements are important to understand Changes in social structure, such as abolition of slavery, are important concepts to understand Be able to discuss the causes and the effects of demographic changes in various regions Be prepared to discuss the impact of new technology on the development of nations The environmental changes brought about by migrations and the development of industry are important topics to understand Be familiar with the reforms of the Ottoman Empire, but don’t spend time memorizing the names of military and political leaders Be prepared to compare empires such as the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire Be prepared to discuss the impact of outside forces on China in the 19th century Nationalism in Africa is an important point for the course Understand the effects of slavery in various parts of the world and be prepared to discuss the end of the slave trade in Africa Be sure to understand the expansion of European colonialism and imperialism into all region of the world It important to be able to compare Pan-Africanism and the Indian National Congress The transformative effects of new technology on societies are an important topic Be able to discuss the environmental impact of 19th century migrations and urban development Ideas about gender and changes in gender structure, such as work patterns, are possible topics on the essay portion of the exam Political dissent and alternative political views are covered on the exam Be prepared to discuss the various nationalist movements Be familiar with Social Darwinism for the multiple choice section of the exam, but don’t worry about characteristics of individual philosophers such as Herbert Spencer The rise of Western imperialism is an important topic on both the multiple choice section and the essay section of the exam Be able to compare the colonial administrations of African colonies with the colonial administrations of Indian and Asian colonies Be able to discuss examples of successful rejection of imperialism, such as Ethiopia Patterns of world trade and the impact of changes in world trade are reoccurring topics on the AP Exam AP Exam Tip (Especially for Essays): The end of the Atlantic Slave Trade did not mean the end of the slave trade, instead, it commenced the growth of the slave trade in Africa as African led trading companies in West Africa and clove plantations in East Africa enslaved thousands of their fellow Africans throughout the 19th century. Slavery in Africa increasingly took on features of the oppressive slave societies that had developed in the Western Hemisphere and was not abolished in Ethiopia until 1932 The term nationalism often leads to thoughts about how it affected western nations, but the building of national identity can also be seen in the actions taken by African nations like Egypt and Ethiopia during the 19th century (construction of Suez Canal, defeat of Italian troops in Ethiopia, etc.) Do industrialization and westernization give women more rights? – in the western world it has resulted in demands of equal treatment, pay and access to political rights, however, in the Ottoman Empire narrowed the role of some women and did not lead to new economic opportunities and a decline in political rights , and led to women’s loss of power over inheritance and property One of the most important skills in AP World History is the ability to recognize global patterns and processes, such as industrialization and analyze their effects in various regions Nations and groups in Asia and Africa did not become independent in the late 19 th century, but the dream of nationalism was providing the basis for movements that would confront colonialism in the 20th century Comparing how India, China and Japan reacted to foreign influence can help you understand the growing impact of the west on Asia in the 19th & early 20th centuries – India (had several regional powers struggling for control), China (the Qing dynasty retreated to an isolationist stance), Japan (used western ideas and technology to develop an industrial economy) Being able to make global comparisons is an essential skill and the impact of industrialization makes for an interesting global comparison – although industrialization occurred first in Europe its impact was global (this is a popular multiple choice and free response topic on the AP World History Exam) Industrialism had a number of effects on European women in the 19th & early 20th centuries by creating separate spheres for men and women both at work and at home (initially, it also limited the economic and political rights of women) – how does the expansion of industrialism affect women in other regions of the world Economic and demographic changes are often linked in history – as industrialism occurred in the 19th & early 20th centuries in the Americas, the proliferation of manufacturing centers increased demand for raw materials – and additional labor – for manufacturing leading to millions of immigrants coming to the United States, Canada, Argentina, Chile and Brazil from Europe (mostly) and Asia (less) leading to increased urbanization Old Imperialism by which European powers played an indirect role primarily as traders in Africa and Asia began to change in the late 19th century as the industrial nations of Europe began to take political, economic and cultural control of vast regions in Africa and Asia in what is called New Imperialism or neo-colonialism – for an essay question that deals with New Imperialism, consider contrasting it with the earlier forms of colonialism in the Americas