Promotional Mix: Methods of Communication Used SERM #65


Promotional Mix: Methods of

Communication Used

SERM #65

Determining the Promotional Mix

 In order for the promotional mix to be effective, all parts must coordinate and complement each other

How it works…

Adverting and Direct Marketing create awareness

Publicity and Public Relations build brand awareness and company image

 Sales Promotion stimulates sales and reinforces advertising

Case Study

RIR – Promotional Mix

 The majority of marketing dollars are spent on mainstream media (TV &


 Focus on the 6 week windows leading up to our events

Why do you think they focus 6 weeks before the race and not all year?

RIR – Target Market

 Men

 Ages 18-49

 Live in Richmond,

Washington DC & Norfolk

 Smaller focus on:

 Charlottesville





Advertising: Broadcast

 TV:

 Targeted sports programming




 Male-oriented shows

 Radio:

 Each on-air promotion is negotiated with the radio station

 DJ centered promotions create awareness and excitement for the event with their listeners

Advertising: Print

 Richmond Times Dispatch

 Local papers:

 Mechanicsville Local

 Midlothian Exchange

 NASCAR Season Preview

Advertising: Other

Door Hangers

Mall Kiosks

Digital Billboards

 Cost effective

 Easily update/change creative

 Digital Billboards

Website Banner ads

Samples Used

Door Hangers Mall Kiosks

Samples Used

Website Banner Ads

Digital Boards

Direct Marketing

 Renewals

 Anyone who buys a ticket to the event will receive a renewal for those same tickets for the next event

 A large percentage of tickets are sold through renewals

 Direct Mail

 Email blasts

 Call Campaigns (telemarketing)

 Manual or Auto dialer

Sales Promotion

 Giveaways

 Themed nights

 Fan club events

 “Last Race Before the Chase”

Personal Selling

 How would RIR use Personal Selling?


 Press Releases sent to various media

 Partnerships with companies

Class Activity

 Students are to select a company, event, product related to SER industry:

1. Identify the Target Market

2. Apply each part of the Promotional Mix

Advertising (all types)

Direct Marketing

Sales Promotion

Personal Selling

Publicity/Public Relations

3. Create an eye catching PPT to share with the class
