Mrs. Jones Class January 4 – 15 Newsletter Reading Targets

Mrs. Jones Class
January 4 – 15 Newsletter
Reading Targets
Math Targets
January 4-8- 2.NBT.5- I can fluently add and
subtract within 100 using strategies based on place
value, properties of operations, and/or the
relationship between addition and subtraction
January 11-15- 2.MD.8- I can solve word problems
involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and
pennies, using $ and cent symbols appropriates and
count sets of coins up to $1.
January 4-8 and January 11-15- 2.RI.6- I
can identify the main purpose of a text,
including what the author wants to
answer, explain, or describe. I will tell
what the author wants me to learn from
the text.
Spelling Words
January 4-8- try, hurry, worry, carrot, borrow, reply, spy, sleepy, mirror, carry, sorry,
hungry, laugh, bury, whole
January 11-15- spoon, do, balloon, proof, who, rooster, school, prove, smooth, choose, loose,
lose, children
As it is getting colder
outside, please make sure
your child brings appropriate
gloves, hat, and coat to
school. We go outside
everyday unless it is colder
than 38 degrees.
Science and Social Studies
We are finishing our unit on sound in
Science. We have learned a lot about
pitch, volume, vibrations, and echoes.
In Social Studies we are finishing up our
unit on different cultures. We will be
learning about different foods from
around the world and different ways of
life in those countries.