To the Polls! A Presentation on Voting in America

To the Polls!
A Presentation on Voting in America
Some Words To Know
• Suffrage-The right to vote
• Franchise-The Right to
• Enfranchisement-The
process of bestowing the
right to vote.
• The original framers let
states set the requirements
for who could vote. Today
states are still in charge of
registering voters and
running elections.
States Cannot Stop People from
• Because of their “race, color or previous
conditions of servitude.” (15th Amendment)
• Because of their gender. (19th Amendment)
• Based on their age if they are 18 or older.
(26th Amendment)
• By creating a poll tax that must be paid to
be eligible to vote (24th Amendment).
Qualifications to Register to Vote
in Virginia
• Registration-The process of
enrolling with the appropriate
local government office so
you can vote
• Citizen of the United States
• Resident of Virginia and
precinct. Transients are not
allowed to vote.
• You must be 18 or older. In
Virginia you can register
when you are 17.
How to Register in Virginia
In person at the Registrar’s Office
Department of Motor Vehicles
Mail Application
Registration is closed 29 days
before election
* When you register you can
choose to include your political
party preference.
Who Can’t Vote?
• Anyone in a mental
institution or declared
mentally incompetent.
• Most states do not allow
criminals convicted of
felonies to vote.
• Some states do not allow
citizens who have been
dishonorably discharged
from the armed forces to
Voting on Election Day
• Citizens vote at their local polling place in their
precinct, or geographic voting district.
• Voters select their choice on a ballot, or the list of
candidates running for office.
• If a voter cannot be there on election day, they can
vote with an absentee ballot, a ballot they complete
and mail in and it is opened and counted on election
• Election officials release the returns, or the results
of the election once votes are counted.
• The media tries to determine who won before the
returns are announced by using exit polls.
Who is Most Likely to Vote?
• Education
• Age
• Income
Who Votes and Who Doesn’t?
• High Income
• Higher Education
• Higher Occupation
• Positive attitude
towards government
• Live in areas with a lot
of political
• Women
• Young people (under
• Unmarried
• Unskilled
• Those living in the
South and in rural
• Men
The Challenge of Voter Apathy
• The United States has one
of the lowest voter
turnouts in any
democratic country.
• Only 51% of registered
voters took part in the
2000 election.
• Voter turnout is even
lower during midterm
elections, or elections that
occur in years when there
is no presidential election.
Why People Don’t Vote
• Lack of Interest-People do not
• Cannot vote for health,
criminal, or citizenship reasons.
• People feel their vote “doesn’t
• People cannot get to the pollsweather, job demands, forget to
register, or long polling lines.