Kindergarten Math Quarter Four Essentials -I can count aloud by 1’s to 100 K.CC.1 -I can count forward from a number that is not 1 (1-100) K.CC.2 -I can use one counting word for every object in a set to 20 K.CC.4a -I can understand the last number I say tells the number of objects I counted to 20 K.CC.4b -I can choose the best way for me to count a group of objects up to 20 K.CC.5 - I can look at two numbers and tell which one is more, less, or equal K.CC.7 -I can make a group smaller by taking away objects (up to 5) - I can make a group bigger by adding objects (up to 5) K.OA.1 -I can figure out how many are left when I take some away from a group (word problems up to 5) -I can figure out the answer when two groups are added together (word problems) K.OA.2 -I can use strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems up to 5 with a few steps to get the correct answer K.OA.5 -I can make a shape by using other shapes K.G.6