Goal 3 Study Guide

Goal 3 Study Guide
For the Goal 3 Test, be able to answer these questions and identify the items
on the key terms list.
1. What does the term “antebellum” mean?
2. What is sectionalism?
3. What were the terms of the Wilmot Proviso?
4. How did the California gold rush relate to the slavery issue?
5. What is popular sovereignty?
6. How did California’s application for statehood cause controversy?
7. What are four terms of the Compromise of 1850?
8. What did the Fugitive Slave Act do?
9. How did the Fugitive Slave Act actually make North/South tension
10. What was the Underground Railroad, and who is its most famous
11. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and why did it create controversy?
12. What were the terms of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
13. What older law did the Kansas-Nebraska Act violate?
14. What happened in “Bleeding Kansas”?
15. Describe why Charles Sumner was caned.
16. What was the ruling of the Dred Scott case, and who would have
favored this ruling?
17. What position did Abraham Lincoln take in the Lincoln-Douglas
18. What did Stephen Douglas’ Freeport Doctrine say?
19. What was John Brown known for? What were the affects of his
actions at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia?
20. Who won the election of 1860 and what event did his election set
21. Why did the South see Lincoln as a threat?
22. Which state seceded first?
23. What was the name of the new southern country, and who was the
24. What happened at Fort Sumter?
25. What caused the Upper South to secede?
26. Name the border states.
27. Why was Maryland an important border state to keep for Lincoln?
28. How did Lincoln keep Maryland?
29. How were Lincoln’s actions in Maryland controversial?
30. How did the Union have advantages over the Confederacy?
31. What was the Confederacy’s strategy for winning the war?
32. What was the Union’s strategy for winning the war, and what was
it called?
33. Name the most significant general for each side of the Civil War.
34. What was the first battle of the Civil War?
35. How did the First Battle of Bull Run change people’s perception of
the war?
36. How did Stonewall Jackson get his nickname?
37. What did blockade runners do?
38. Who won the Battle of Antietam, and what did Lincoln do as a
39. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
40. How did the Battle of Antietam and the Emancipation
Proclamation affect the Confederacy’s relations with Britain?
41. How did the Civil War affect the Confederacy’s economy?
42. How did the Civil War affect the Union’s economy?
43. What is a siege?
44. Why was the Union victory at Vicksburg significant?
45. Why did Lincoln replace General McClellan?
46. Describe General Lee’s military abilities.
47. What was the result of Pickett’s Charge?
48. What happened at the Battle of Gettysburg? Who came out better
49. Why is the Battle of Gettysburg significant?
50. What did Lincoln say in the Gettysburg Address?
51. What did Sherman’s “March to the Sea” do in the Confederacy?
52. Who won the election of 1864?
53. How did Lincoln view his reelection?
54. What did the 13th Amendment do, and how is it different from the
Emancipation Proclamation?
55. What happened at Appomattox Courthouse?
56. What did John Wilkes Booth do?
57. Who has more power after the Civil War, the federal government
or state governments?
58. What was “Reconstruction?”
59. Who became president after Lincoln?
60. How were Lincoln’s and Johnson’s Reconstruction plans different
from Radical Republican plans?
61. Describe the relationship between Johnson and the Radical
Republican-led Congress.
62. What did the 14th Amendment do?
63. What did the Military Reconstruction Act do?
64. How did the Radical Republicans try to get Johnson “out of the
65. What was the charge against Johnson during his impeachment?
66. What did the 15th Amendment do?
67. How did most Southerners view Reconstruction?
68. What were carpetbaggers?
69. What were scalawags?
70. How did the Ku Klux Klan develop?
71. Why wasn’t Grant’s administration very successful?
72. Name two reasons why people lost trust in the Republicans during
Grant’s administration.
73. What happened in the Election of 1876?
74. How did the Compromise of 1877 end Reconstruction?
75. Define disenfranchisement.
76. How did the South discourage black suffrage?
77. What were tenant farmers?
78. What were sharecroppers?
79. How was tenant farming/sharecropping different from slavery?