Chapter 1, Section 1

Study Guide for Goal 1 Test
Chapter 1, Section 1
Define the following terms:
1. civics
2. citizen
3. popular sovereignty
Answer the following questions:
1. Why is America called a “nation of immigrants”?
2. Who were the first to arrive in America, and how did they get here?
3. How did Africans get to America?
4. Name three values Americans share.
5. Name three historic documents that Americans have in common.
6. What does popular sovereignty say about government?
7. What are three American Institutions.
Chapter 1, Section 2
Define the following terms:
1. naturalization
2. alien
3. immigrant
4. deport
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the two ways someone can be a citizen of the United States
2. Where are the four places someone can be born and be a United States citizen?
3. If you are not born in the aforementioned four places, how else can you be born
an American citizen?
4. What is the first step in becoming a naturalized citizen?
5. What might a USCIS official ask about during an interview?
6. What might the naturalization exam ask about?
7. What is the final step in becoming a naturalized citizen?
8. What are the three ways you can lose your citizenship?
9. What is an example of extreme disloyalty to the government?
10. What is an alien?
11. How many illegal aliens are there in the United States?
12. What happens if an illegal alien is caught?
13. Why might aliens come to American illegally?
14. What are two rights citizens have the aliens do not have?
Chapter 1, Section 3
Define the following terms:
1. government
2. public policy
3. democracy
4. direct democracy
5. representative democracy
6. republic
7. monarchy
8. majority rule
9. authoritarian
10. totalitarian
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the four functions of government?
2. What are the three levels of government?
3. What are the three principles of a democracy?
4. What is the difference between an absolute monarchy and a dictatorship?
5. What does a totalitarian government control?
Chapter 2, Section 1
Define the following terms:
1. Enlightenment
2. legislature
3. natural rights
4. colony
Answer the following questions:
1. What was the Magna Carta?
2. What is Parliament?
3. What was the Glorious Revolution?
4. What was the English Bill of Rights?
5. What two principles did John Locke believe in?
6. What did Baron de Montesquieu believe in?
7. What was first English settlement in America?
8. What legislature ran Jamestown? Was it strong or weak?
9. What was the Mayflower Compact? Why kind of democracy did it start?
10. What were the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?
Chapter 2, Section 2 and 3
Define the following terms:
1. Puritans
2. Pilgrims
3. toleration
4. indentured servant
5. triangular trade
Answer the following questions:
1. Why did people move to New England colonies?
2. What was the New England economy based on?
3. Why did people move to the Southern colonies?
4. What was the Southern economy based on?
5. What is the difference between a slave and an indentured servant?
6. Describe triangular trade. Tell what three countries were involved and what each
one traded.
Chapter 2, Section 4
Explain what the following terms/phrases mean.
1. mercantilism
2. Albany Plan
3. French and Indian War
4. Proclamation of 1763
5. Quartering Act
6. Stamp Act of 1765
7. Sons of Liberty
8. Stamp Act Congress
9. Boston Tea Party
10. Coercive/Intolerable Acts
11. writs of assistance
12. Boston Massacre
13. “no taxation without representation”
14. “Common Sense”
15. Declaration of Independence
16. First Continental Congress
17. Lexington and Concord
18. Second Continental Congress
Chapter 3, Section 1
Define the following terms:
1. bicameral
2. Ratify
3. constitution
Answer the following questions:
1. Name five weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
2. What was the Ordinance of 1785?
3. What was the Northwest Ordinance?
4. Why did war debts cause a problem for Congress?
5. What did Daniel Shays do?
Chapter 3, Section 2
Answer the following questions:
1. Who presided over the Constitutional Convention?
2. What was the Virginia Plan?
3. What was the New Jersey Plan?
4. What was the Great Compromise?
5. What was the Three-fifths compromise?
6. What is the Electoral College?
7. Who were the Federalists?
8. Who were the Anti-Federalists?
9. How did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists compromise?
10. On what date did the Constitution take effect?