Health Science 1 Study Guide Medical/Dental Terminology

Health Science 1 Study Guide
Medical/Dental Terminology
Kathy has a hearing defect in both ears. Her condition occurs _________________
The prefix for “rapid” is _________________
Someone with bladder cancer would likely have which of the following symptoms?
A. Aphasia
B. Hematuria
C. Hyperglycemia
4. A patient with chronic ear infections should see a/an:
A. Cardiologist
B. Ophthalmologist
C. Dermatologist
D. Otolaryngologist
5. Which surgical procedure may be performed on someone with breast cancer?
A. Gastrectomy
B. Mastectomy
C. Hysterectomy
D. Laparoscopy
6. What instrument would be used to examine someone with a hearing problem?
A. Ophthalmoscope
B. Otoscope
C. Speculum
D. Bronchoscope
7. The contraction of what muscle causes the heart to beat? _______________________
8. Someone with a superficial burn as damaged the:
A. Adipose tissue
B. Epidermis
C. Hypodermis
D. Myocardium
9. The presence of blood in the urine is: __________________________
10. The suffix “itis” means: _______________________________
11. The word root “leuko” means: _________________________
12. A benign tumor made up of fat cells is a/an:
A. Adipocancer
B. Benignoplasm
C. Lipoma
13. The word root “osteo” means: _________________
14. The word root “hepat” means: _________________
15. The medical word root for “red” is: _______________
16. The prefix “post” means: ________________________
17. The suffix “oma” means: ________________________
18. The word root “lingua” or “gloss” means: _____________________
19 The suffix that means “surgical removal of” is: _________________________
20. The word root “gingiva” means: _________________________
21. The word root that means “bag” or “bladder” is: _______________________
22. The prefix “mal” means: _____________________________
23. The prefix “later” means: ____________________________
24. The suffix “toxic” means: ____________________________
D. Tumorosis
Body Systems
1. Name the organ(s) found in the cranial cavity: __________________________
2. Name the organ(s) found in the spinal cavity: ___________________________
3. Name the organ(s) found in the thoracic cavity: __________________________
4. Name the organs found in the abdominal cavity: _________________________
5. What divides the ventral cavity into two parts by separating the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity?
6. Name the organs found in the pelvic cavity: _____________________________
7. Which body cavities are dorsal or posterior? _________________________________
8. Which body cavities are anterior or ventral? _________________________________
9. A mild sunburn would be ______________________________
10. A stab wound with a long blade would be __________________________
11. Which plane divides the body into equal right and left halves? _________________________
12. Which plane divides the body into front and back halves? _____________________________
13. Which plane divides the body into top and bottom halves? ____________________________
14. The word that means towards the head is ________________________
15. The word that means toward the feet is __________________________
16. The word that means above or upper is __________________________
17. The word that means below or lower is __________________________
18. Ventral and/or anterior means _________________________________
19. Dorsal and/or posterior means__________________________________
20. _____________ means toward the midline of the body
21. _____________ means away from the midline or away from the body
22. _____________ means towards the trunk or near point of the attachment of the trunk
23. _____________means away from the point of attachment to the trunk or away from the trunk
24. The three top abdominal regions are : ____________________, __________________, _________________
25. The three middle abdominal regions are: ___________________, __________________, __________________
26. The three lower abdominal regions are: ____________________, ____________________, __________________
27. Name the four tissue types: _________________, __________________, _______________, ____________________
28. Name the two main membrane types: __________________ and ____________________
29. Name the two types of epithelial (serous) membranes: _____________________ and _________________
30. Where are mucous membranes located and what is their purpose?
31. What type of fluid is contained in the double walled membrane that line closed body cavities?______________
32. The outer part of a serous membrane which lines the cavity is called the _______________
33. The inner part of a serous membrane which covers the organ is called the ______________
34. A cut or incision on the skin where infection is not present is a _______________________
35. This type of healing occurs in large, open wounds__________________________________
36. The medical term for scar tissue is__________________________________
37. The study of shape and structure of an organism’s body is________________________
38. The study of the way an organism’s body works is_____________________________
Skeletal System
1. The medical term for the finger bone is _____________________
The largest bone in the body is ____________________________
The outer covering of the bone is __________________________
The shaft of a long bone is called ___________________________
The bones of the skull, spine and chest make up the ____________________skeleton
The main reason for applying a cast around a fracture is to _________________________
Ashley suffers from painful inflammation of her joints, this condition is called _________________________
The medical term for the knee cap is the _______________________
What is the medical term for the breast bone? __________________________
10. Which of the following is classified as a cranial bone?
A. coccyx
B. pleura
C. sternum
D. occipital
11. What bone is part of the pelvis?
A. femur
B. mandible
C. coccyx
D. pubis
12. Bones are compromised of what cells?
A. dendrites
B. leukocytes
C. osteocytes
D. osteoclasts
13. A tree falls on your leg causing a bone injury, but does not completely separate the bone. What disorder do you have?
A. dislocation
B. sprain
C. greenstick fracture
D. strain
14. What disorder is classified as a curvature of the spine? ________________________
15. Alex injured her ankle while ice skating. An X-ray reveals no bone abnormality, but her doctor feels she’s damaged
ligaments. What is her diagnosis?
A. contusion
B. greenstick fracture
C. sprain
D. dislocation
16. _________________ is a disease where bones become porous, lose calcium and phosphorous and are more likely to
17. The medical term for a spine that becomes swayback is called ________________
18. If you move from a sitting to a standing position, what type of joint movement occurs at the knee?
A. abduction
B. adduction
C. flexion
D. extension
19. Donny falls from a tree fracturing his tibia and the bone breaks through the skin. This type of fracture is called?
A. closed
B. simple
C. compound
D. greenstick
20. _______________ is the abnormal curvature of the thoracic spine causing a “humpback” appearance.
21. The process of blood cell formation in the red morrow of the bone is called? ______________
22. One function of the skeletal system is the storage of?
A. glucose
B. calcium
C. iron
D. oxygen
23. Amanda fell off her bicycle and broke her clavicle. This bone injury is called?
A. dislocation
B. sprain
C. fracture
D. strain
24. What type of motion occurs when you turn your head from side-to-side? (i.e. to say “No”)
A. pronation
B. supination
C. rotation
D. extension
25. Chewing involves the use of which movable skull bone? ___________________
26. The area where cranial bones join together to form immovable parts (joints) are called? _______________
27. What joint allows for the greatest freedom of movement?
A. hinge joint
B. pivot joint
C. ball & socket joint
D. gliding joint
28. What lower arm bone is located on the thumb side up? (hint – think of taking a pulse) ______________________
29. What fluid reduces friction during joint movement? _______________________
30. Dense bone(shaft/diaphysis) is called “compact bone” and “porous bone” (ends/epiphysis) is called?
____________________ (i.e. soaks up water)
Muscular System
1. A tear in a muscle, as a result of excessive use that results in minimal bleeding inside of the muscle, pain and swelling is
A. hypertrophy
B. atrophy
C. tendonitis
D. strain
Sam is a runner with ankle pain and considerable swelling. He has a ________________
The medical term for the calf muscle is? ______________________________
Muscle that are partially contracted at all times are said to be in a constant state of readiness called muscle ___________
If a swimmer strains her shoulder during a race, what is the first thing that should be done?
A. apply heat
B. exercise her shoulder
C. apply ice
D. do nothing
To prevent muscle atrophy (lack of tone) one would want to do this to the muscle? _________________
Muscle _____________ occurs if muscle cells are stimulated repeatedly without rest, lactic acid accumulates, and muscles
lose the ability to contract
What is inflammation of a tendon? ______________________
Muscles are responsible for producing most of our? ____________________
10. If a muscle becomes short and thicker and cause movement, it is said to have?
A. irritability
B. contractibility
C. atrophy
D. extensibility
11. What kind of muscle forms the walls of the heart? ________________
12. The major muscle that lies over the upper ribs is the____________________________
13. Amanda complains of waking up at night with sever calf pain. What is most likely the cause? ___________________
14. The muscle that abducts (takes away) the upper arm at the shoulder joint is what muscle? ________________
15. What muscle is considered voluntary?
A. cardiac
B. skeletal
C. smooth
D. visceral
16. What muscle would you find in the neck?
A. biceps
B. gastrocnemius
C. latissimus dorsi
D. sternocleidomastoid
17. This thoracic muscle aids in breathing….._________________________
18. If you fail to exercise your muscles and they become weak, this condition will occur_____________________
19. Circular muscles in the openings between the esophagus and stomach (and anus) are called
20. The main muscle of the lower back is? ___________________
21. A person who lifts weights and overuses their muscles. The overuse can cause the muscles to
22. Because Leslie suffers from myalgia, her muscles cause her to have ______________
23. If you want to improve the extensibility of your muscles, what should a person do every morning?
24. What muscles are found on the dorsal surface of the leg? (i.e. runners get pulled what?) _____________________
25. This characteristic is when muscles return to their original shape when relaxed ______________________________ (i.e.
what does a rubber band do?)
26. Mallory has oxygen deficiency (lack of). What is she doing at this moment? A. eating B. sleeping C. exercising D. thinking
27. What muscle is found in the neck? _________________________________
28. What muscle that is found in the arm.
A. buccinators
B. latissimus dorsi
C. bicep
D. Sartorius
29. What muscle can be found in the lower leg?
A. buccinators
B. pectoralis major
C. gastrocnemius
D. external oblique
30. The main muscle of the upper back is?
A. rectus abdominus
B. soleus
C. trapezius
D. triceps
Circulatory System
What are the functions of the circulatory system?
What are the components of the circulatory system?
Describe the circulation routes used by the blood:
Describe the physical characteristics of the heart:
What is the pericardium and the fluid between the layers?
Describe the myocardium:
Describe the endocardium:
What are the structures leading and to and from the heart?
List the chambers and valves of the heart:
10. Describe the structure of the heart and how each side works:
11. How does the heart receive blood?
12. Describe what each of the most common sounds of the heart means:
13. Describe how the contractions of the heart is controlled:
14. What is the purpose of a/an electrocardiogram(EKG/ECG)?
15. What are the most common sign and symptom of heart disease?
16. Name and describe the most common infectious diseases of the heart:
17. What are the two types of coronary heart disease?
18. List the common types of heart surgery:
19. Describe the structure and function of arteries:
20. Describe the structure and function of the capillaries:
21. Describe the structure and function of the veins:
22. How is blood pressure created?
23. Describe a pulse and the various location(s) where it can be felt:
24. Name and describe disorders of the blood vessels:
25. What is the difference between systemic and cardiopulmonary circulation?
Lymphatic System and Immunity
1. What is the watery fluid that is inside of lymphatic vessels? ___________________
The fluid that filters out of the capillaries into tiny spaces between tissue cells is: ____________
Lymph acts as an intermediary between the blood in the capillaries and the tissues. What are some of the things lymph
delivers to the cells?_______________, ___________________, __________________
Lymph fluid most closely resembles ______________________
The largest lymphatic vessel is the ________________________
The thoracic duct drains into the ____________________________________________________________________
Which system does the lymphatic system work closely with to remove waste and fluid from the tissues?
__________________________ system
List the functions of the lymphatic system:
True or false
Lymph is mostly water and contains no red blood cells or protein molecules
Lymphatic vessels accompany and closely parallel the veins
Lymphatic vessels form a closed system like the circulatory system
Lymph fluid flows only once through its system before draining into the thoracic duct
10. Which organs make up the lymphatic system? _________________ & ________________
11. Where are the tonsils located? ___________________________________________
12. Adenoids are also called pharyngeal tonsils because they are located: ____________________________
13. The tonsils that are visible through the mouth are the: ________________________
14. The largest organ of the lymphatic system is the: _____________________________
15. List where lymph nodes are located: ____________________, __________________, ___________________
16. Axillary lymph nodes are located: ______________________________
17. The lymphatic tissue of lymph nodes and tonsils produce what? _______________________________________________
18. Artificial acquired immunity comes from: ________________________________
19. Lymph nodes provide a site for lymphatic production and they: _____________________________________________
20. This organ of the lymph system stores the largest amount of red blood cells: _____________
21. The body’s ability to resist pathogens and diseases is called: _________________________
22. Persons with condition should always wear a medic alert tag: _________________________ (hint: 911 emergency)
23. In tonsillitis you would expect to find what symptom? _________________________
24. What disease of the lymphatic system is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and occurs frequently in young adults and
children? ___________________________________
25. If a person comes into the ER and is diagnosed with Kaposi’s sarcoma, what disorder will usually be the cause?
26. A patient is HIV positive, but yet not showing signs of AIDS. His immune system is beginning to deteriorate, but he has not
yet contracted an opportunistic infection. This condition is called: ______________________
27. AIDS can be spread through: _____________contact
28. A form of cancer of the lymph nodes, this disease is characterized by painless swelling of the lymph nodes:
29. What term describes generalized enlargement of the lymph nodes? ______________________
30. A person who is allergic to bees is stung by one. He begins to experience difficulty breathing as his face swells and his blood
pressure drops. This type of reaction is: ___________________
31. When should a health care professional wear eye protection?
32. Which of the following health care workers should wear a mask?
A physician taking a blood pressure
A optometrist who is examining a patient’s eyes
A dental hygienist who is cleaning teeth
A nurse who is cleaning a wheelchair with soap and water
33. Your friend has a bloody nose and you are going to help clean up the mess. What is the FIRST thing you should do?
34. For which of the following tasks would you need to wear gloves?
Changing a non-sterile bandage or dressing
Taking a blood pressure
Helping a patient out of the bed
Serving a meal tray
35. You are caring for a patient who is HIV positive, but has intact skin. He offers his hand to you to shake. What PPE (personal
protective equipment) should you wear? ____________________
36. Health care workers should never do what with needles: ___________________________
37. Standard precautions are guidelines to be used when you expect to have contact with another person’s:
38. What is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infections? ___________________
Respiratory System
1. Fibrous plates contained within the cartilage of the larynx makes which body function possible:__________________
2. Which disease is increasing in the US due to increases in homelessness, AIDS and illegal immigration?
3. What covers the outer surface of the lungs and lines the inner surface of the rib cage?
A. cilia
B. pharynx
C. pleura
D. septum
4. The symptoms of an asthma attack are: __________________, ____________________,
The respiratory system ends in millions of tiny, thin walled sacs called: _______________
Which is the correct pathway of air into the lungs?
a. Alveoli, bronchi, larynx, trachea
b. Larynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli
c. Trachea, alveoli, bronchi, larynx
d. Trachea, larynx, bronchi, alveoli
7. Each lung is divided into two or three parts called: _____________________
8. The _____________ is responsible for voice production
9. The most common cause of chronic bronchitis is:
A. virus
B. the TB virus
C. cigarette smoking
10. Each adult takes about _______________ breaths each minute at rest
11. ____________________ in the nasal epithelium perform the function of filtering the air
12. What is the name of the partition that separates the nose into left and right cavities? _________
13. The medical term for the throat is: _____________________
14. What activity would cause your respiratory rate to decrease?
A. fever
B. fear
C. sleeping
15. _______________________ is the part of respiration that involves taking air into the lungs
16. To treat the common cold, what is recommended?
A. inhaled bronchodilator
B. antibiotics
C. rest and warm liquids
17. A fatty substance in the lungs that prevents alveoli from collapsing is __________________
18. Carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the blood is initially sensed by the brain to control breathing?
19. ______________________ is done by the body to clear the respiratory tract
20. Dyspnea (difficulty breathing) worsens as the disease progresses in:
A. pneumonia
B. pertussis
C. emphysema
21. The epiglottis is the name of the cartilage flap that covers the ____________when you swallow
22. If you experience hoarseness for two days and lose your voice for three, you would most likely
suffer from: _________________________
23. ______________ are structures that produce mucous for the respiratory tract and are located in
the skull
24. The walls of the trachea are made more rigid by the presence of: ________________
25. When the trachea divides to enter both lungs, the tubes that are formed are called: ___________
26. Which of the following describes the work of hair in the nose?
A. dries
B. filters
C. lubricates
D. waste
27. What disorder is characterized by overdilated alveoli that have lost their elasticity (hint: chronic):
28. The windpipe is referred to as the: _________________________
29. What are the two main causes of pneumonia? _______________________________________
30. Influenza is caused by bacteria? True or False
31. Where would you find a person’s larynx?
A. skull
B. mouth
C. neck
D. chest
32. Cough, fever, weight loss and sweating at night are symptoms of what? ___________________
Digestive System
1. What type of disorder can cause jaundice?
2. What organ is a small muscular sac that secretes bile and is located in the upper right quadrant?___________________
3. The muscle between the esophagus and stomach that keeps food from going back up into the esophagus is the:
4. What is the process in which broken down food moves through the intestine into the blood and lymph?
A. absorption
B. Assimilation
C. Digestion
D. Metabolism
5. What is the medical term that means inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the stomach and intestines?
6. When small amounts of acid regurgitate into the esophagus this condition occurs ____________
7. Eating proper foods such as cereal, fruits, vegetables and drinking plenty of liquids can help avoid this condition
8. The middle segment of the small intestines is called the:
A. Duodenum
B. Ileum
C. Jejunum
D. Rectum
9. What is the part of the body that separates the mouth from the nasal cavity? _______________
10. What is the external opening of the large intestines? _______________________
11. Food moves from the pharynx (throat) to the stomach by passing through this tube called the
12. What are the glands which secrete a watery fluid in the mouth? ______________________
13. The ______________ is a blind sac attached to the cecum with no known function
14. What is the muscular organ that aids with chewing and swallowing of food? ______________
15. Which enzyme causes the INITIAL chemical breakdown of carbohydrates?
A. Lipase
B. Pepsin
C. Ptyalin (also known as salivary amylase)
D. Trypsin
16. A semi-solid mixture of food and gastric juices in the stomach is called ___________
17. Which part of the small intestines receives bile from the gall bladder and liver?
A. cecum
B. duodenum
C. Ileum
D. jejunum
18. The wavelike motions of the intestines that move food along the digestive tract is called
19. The surgical removal of the gall bladder is called:
A. appendectomy
B. cholecystectomy
C. hysterectomy
D. nephrectomy
20. What type of disorder can cause pain in the back between the shoulder blades?
21. What is cirrhosis? ___________________________________________
22. It is recommended that all healthcare workers be vaccinated for which of the following diseases?
A. Pancreatitis
B. Hepatitis
C. Cholecystitis
D. Cirrhosis
23. What feather-shaped digestive organ secretes enzymes to breakdown food? ______________
24. What organ is located between the stomach and the large intestines? ___________________
25. When will Cathy’s stomach be empty if she last ate at 9 am?
A. 9:30 am
B. 10 am
C. 10:30 am
D. 12 noon
26. What is an ulcer? ___________________________________________________
27. The physical breakdown of food begins where? ___________________________
28. What is the purpose of peristalsis (wave-like motions)? _____________________________
29. What organ detoxifies alcohol (drugs too)? __________________________________
30. What usually causes hepatitis?
A. allergic reaction
B. autoimmune response
C. protozoa
D. virus
31. What is the largest organ of the body? ________________________
Hematology Study Guide *new*
Leukocytes have the ability to squeeze through the intercellular spaces of capillary walls to fight infection in neighboring
tissues. This process is called:
a. leukopoiesis
b. diapedesis
c. coagulation
d. pyrexia
When there is inflammation in the body, chemical substances travel to the hypothalamus, causing the body temperature to
increase. What is the medical term for this condition?
a. pathogenesis
b. pyrexia
c. leukopenia
d. hemophilia
White blood cells destroy bacteria by surrounding, engulfing, and digesting the bacteria. What is this process called?
A. hemolysis
b. erythropoiesis
c. macrophagia
d. phagocytosis
What is the liquid portion of the blood? ________________
Why is arterial blood “bright” red ? _______________
What happens when an RH – person receives RH+ blood? The cells:
a. do nothing
b.develop antibodies
c. clump
d. blood type changes positive
What cells are biconcaved and shaped like a donut? ________________
What type of cells can be granular, agranular, ambeboid in shape? _______________ (there are 5 types)
Erythrocytes contain all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Rh factor
b. phagocytes
c. hemoglobin
d. oxyhemoglobin
10. Fibrinogen and prothrombin are necessary for: _____________________
11. Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of a blood protein called: antigen or antibody
12. What blood type is known as a “universal recipient”? A AB B O
13. A pus-filled cavity is called a/an: __________________________
14. Marilyn has leucopenia due to chemotherapy. Does she have a low or high white count?
15. John has a hematoma on his head, most likely caused by a/an: _______________
16. A deficiency in the number of red cells is called? ____________________
17. What blood disorder is inherited from both parents?___________
18. What hereditary disease causes blood to slowly clot? __________________________
19. How many pints of blood does and average adult have? ______________
20. Prothrombin is dependent of what vitamin? _____________________
21. If pus drains from under a fingernail, what is the LIKELY cause? _______________
22. Hemoglobin is composed of: _______________________________________
23. The medical term for platelet is: _________________________________
24. The main function of leukocytes is: _______________________________
25. The main function of erythrocytes is: carry _________
26. What is the medical term for a red cell? ____________________________
27. Which of the following is a plasma protein?
a. RBC
b. fibrinogen
c. hemoglobin
d. WBC
28. If you have polycythemia, you have: to many or to little red cells
29. What is an embolism ______________________________
30. Which of the following is an example of a WBC?
A. platelet
b. prothrombin
c. neutrophil