Alliances • Germany was part of the Triple Alliance, along with AustriaHungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria • This action was a response to the alliance between France and Russia • German foolishness to support AustriaHungary after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand led to conflict between all of Europe Failure of Diplomacy • The idea of “realpolitik” wasn’t a solid idea • It caused Germany to constantly be threatening other countries as their means of Diplomacy • Created an enemy in Britain when it tried to out do Britain’s navy • The German attack on France enforced all treaties in place between the Allied powers leading to an all out war Bibliography • Zahora, Renee. World War I Reading Packet. 2007. • Zahora, Renee. Student Help Powerpoint. 2007 • Zahora, Renee. Countries Links. 2007 Head to head • Germany went head to head with Great Britan to see who was the master of the seas • Admiral Tirpitz lead the Germans images%3Fq%3DAlfred%2Bvon%2BSchlieffen%2B%26gbv%3D1%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den • Alfred von Schlieffen was the German Army Chief of staff • He said: • Defeat France Early, no one would want to fight • 6 weeks for Russia to organize their army Schlieffen Plan Arms Race • Germany gave the most money to their navy. • They wanted to be the best • The even widened the Kiel canal to let the great battleships to pass through • All of this led to a great expansion in the power of each navy Dreadnaughts • Germany and Great Britain tried to develop a new class of ships. • They were to be the best ship • A ship that could defeat any other ship • Britain developed the Dreadnaught class first • •80&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=0dTb2c4rJhvhPM:&tbnh=102&tbnw=141&prev=/images%3Fq%3DHMS%2Bdreadnought%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX U-boats • • • • • The First Submarines Designed to be stealthy Could take out Ships from under the water Key German asset Raided commerce rev=/images%3Fq%3DU-boat%26gbv%3D1%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG Bibliography • “Teachers Net." 21 Mar. 2007 < FAQ.html>. • 28 Mar. 2007 < WschlieffenP.htm>. What Germany wanted in the war • France had large parts of Africa which they used squeezed the natural resources out of them. • Britain had colonies in five continents, this land increased as the war started up. • Germany needed colonies, they had some in colonies spread over the world this was not enough to supply them for the war. What Germany had • Germany did not have very many colonies before they started to imperialize Africa. • Germany had a couple colonies in Africa and a tiny colony named Papa New Guinea. • Except for a few colonies spread through out the world, Germany was out of luck for natural recourses from their colonies. Why did Germany want to imperialize • Germany’s reasons for imperialisation were like every body else's, they wanted natural recourses, slave labor and gold for personal gain. • The other reason that Germany needed to imperialize is that the war was going to run their economy dry if they did not have a steady source of recourses Bibliography • German Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia • Student help Causes Pwrpt.ppt • orksheets/ww1/Causes_WWOne.doc • Wilhelm II led German Empire • Wanted to show world his injury did not make him weaker • Had a desire to show he was the best, even with an injury German_Emperor#World_War_I • Germany attempted to be the best by outracing everyone in military and naval power • This let Germany feel it was getting mages/German_Army_Battle_L the respect it eadershiip.jpg deserved from the rest of the world • Wanted to control the Ottoman empire to feel strong • Made them have a strong defense of Alsace & wwi_map.jpg Lorraine Bibliography Book • Farah, Karls. World History, The Human Experience. National Geographic Society, 1999. Packet/Notes • Zahora, Renee. World War I Reading Packet. 2007. • Zahora, Renee. Student Help Powerpoint. 2007 Website