Chapter #2 Features of Life and the Cell Chapter 2.1 Notes 8 features of Living Things • Reproduce Sexual- 2 parents Asexual- 1 parent 2. Grow- increase in size 3. Develop- grow parts 4. Need Food Herbivores- plant eaters Carnivores-meat eater Omnivores- eat both plants and animals Producers- Green plants 5. Use Energy Cellular respiration food is broken down and energy is given off • C6H12O6 + 6O2 6 CO2 + 6H2O Sugar + oxygen = Carbon dioxide + water 6. Made of cells 7. Respond 8. Are adapted to their environments 6 elements that make up 97% of living things 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Oxygen Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Phosphorus Sulfur The Cell Theory • • 1665- Robert Hooke “Cells” Robert Hooke 19th Century Schleiden and Schwann came up with the cell theory. 1. All living things are made of cells 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function 3. All cells come from other cells Chapter 2.2 Notes Cell parts (organelles) 1. Cell membrane (door to cell) gives cell shape and holds the cytoplasm. Allow things in and out of the cell. 2. Nucleus (brain) controls cells activities. 3. Nuclear membrane (door to nucleus) surrounds nucleus lets things in and out of nucleus. 4. Golgi apparatus (packs) packages and stores chemicals. 5. Nucleolus- makes ribosomes. 6. chromosomes contains DNA information. 7. Cytoplasm (where chemical reactions occur) clear, jellylike material between the cell membrane and the nucleus. 8. Endoplasmic Reticulum- ER- (roads) moves materials around cell. 9. Ribosomes- make protein. 10. Mitochondria (powerhouse) make energy. 11. Vacuole (storage) liquid-filled space for storage. 12. Centrioles (reproduction) used during reproduction. 13. Chloroplast- (make food) have green pigment called chlorophyll. Plants only. 14. Cell wall (support) thick outer covering that protects and supports plants. Plants only. 8. 9. Animal Cell 10. 1.cell 12 cell parts 7. 11.vacuole 2. 5. / chromosomes 6. / nuclear membrane 3. 4. 12. Plant Cell 14 cell parts Chapter 2.3 Notes • Diffusion- is the movement of a substance from a large (high) amount of it to where there is a small (low) amount of it. • Osmosis- the diffusion of water. • The cell membrane has pores. Levels of Organization • • • • • Cell- basic unit of life Tissue- group of cells working together. Organ- group of tissues. Organ system- group of organs working together. Organism- group of organ systems working together. • • • • • “Cell” March 6, 2007. “Living things”. March 6, 2007. “Food Chain”. March 6,2007. “Diffusion”. March 8, 2007. • phics/diffusion.gif&imgrefurl= 98&w=518&sz=17&hl=en&start=2&tbnid=1cxDpQrcDhM0M:&tbnh=101&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddiffusion%26gbv%3D 2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den “osmosis”. March 8, 2007. =95&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dosmosis%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den %26sa%3DN • • “Plant Cell”. March 8, 2007. “Level of organization”. March 8, 2007.