Who ARE You??? ___________ Country Group My cause _______________ and U.S. Spark PBLQ: Why does a country go to war? Design your own cover: M A N I A US Name _____________________________________ Block ____________ 1 World War I Profile SCORING RUBRIC SCORE CATEGORY 4 DESCRIPTION CATEGORY 3 CATEGORY 2 The student completes all important components of the task and communicates ideas clearly. The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts and/or process. Where appropriate, the student offers insightful interpretations or extensions (generalizations, applications, analogies). The student completes most important components of the task and communicates clearly. The student demonstrates understanding of major concepts even though he/she overlooks or misunderstands some less important ideas or details. The student completes some important components of the task and communicates those clearly. The student demonstrates that there are gaps in his/her understanding. CATEGORY 1 The student shows minimal or basic understanding. The student addresses only a small portion of the required task(s). CATEGORY 0 Responses and work completed are incorrect. BLANK No response. Self Check Score ________________ or Group check Score______________ Teacher Check Score _______________ 2 Unit II.4 – From Isolation to Involvement: 1898 - 1939 Standard: Students will be able to explain the causes and effect of the United States’ involvement in World War I. Learning Target: I can connect the consequences of the Central Powers’ treatment under the Treaty of Versailles with the outbreak of WWII Learning Progression Advanced Proficient I can articulate the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles and how it led to World War II. Proficient I can explain why the United States entered WWI and how President Woodrow Wilson contributed to the Treaty of Versailles. Intermediate I can explain the 5 main causes of WWI. Beginning I can list the 5 main causes of WWI. 3 Who Country:________________ Activity #1 Country/Leader Overview Directions: Answer the following questions after reading over the class resources on your country and its’ leader with your group . 1. What is the leader’s Name? 2. What kind of government does this Country have? 3. What does the kind of government a Country have tell you about its’ leader? 4. Do the people like the leader? Yes or No 5. If yes, why do they like their leader? 6. If no, why do they not like their leader? Why would not liking you leader be bad for a country? 7. Is there anything about the leader that suggested that they might be willing to go to War? 4 8. Is there anything about the people of the country that suggests they might be willing to go to War? 9. Who are this countries friends/enemies or frenemies? 10. Any other details that suggests the country may want to go to war? 11. Is there any background information that suggests this country may want something or to keep something? Are these reasons they might go to War? Do you see: Write details you find. M A N I A US Spark: 5 Activity #2 High School/Teacher Created Power Point Research Sources Directions: Read over the sources to help you answer why your country and the United States went to war. Do you see: Take Notes M A N I A US Spark: 6 Activity #3 Help Page Research Sources Directions: Use the help page and the linked resources on the page to help you answer why your country and the United States went to war. Do you see: Take Notes M A N I A US Spark: 7 Activity #4 Review Videos Slide #26 (3) Directions: Open the power point on my website and go to slide #26, click on the links and watch the Videos to help you answer why your country and the United States went to war. Do you hear and see: Take Notes M A N I A US Spark: 8 Activity #5 Textbook Research (American Journey and History Alive) Directions: Use the two textbooks in class to help you answer why your country and the United States went to war. Do you see: Take Notes M A N I A US Spark: 9 Insert Template #1 10 Insert Template #2 11 Insert sample Diplomacy 12 13 Name ____________________________________ Block ______ ______/100pts Activity #6: Use what you have learned Why My Country Went to WAR U.S. II 5c WWI Causes Culminating Activity Rubric Individual: Complete 1 Cause Chart and Complete the U.S. Spark Chart Individual Grade _____ 50 pts Who Packet Research _____ 50 pts Title Definition 5 sentences picture 1. Militarism y or n y or n y or n y or n 2. Alliances y or n y or n y or n y or n 3. Nationalism y or n y or n y or n y or n 4. Imperialism y or n y or n y or n y or n 5. Assassination y or n y or n y or n y or n WHY U.S. joins 2 pictures Title Definition 6. U.S. Spark Unrestricted Sub Warfare y or n y or n y or n y or n Zimmerman Telegram y or n y or n y or n y or n 14 15