Chapter 12: Nursery Facilities Use pages 286- 305 to answer these questions 1. Even though locations can be expensive, why is it so important when planning your nursery? 2. Name 2 environmental factors that could influence placement of a nursery. 3. What is TMDL’s and how does this affect managing a nursery? 4. What type of nursery requires more land mass? 5. Explain the hardiness of plants. 6. A plant heat zone map tells what about different regions of the US? 7. When is the soil structure of an area important to a nursery grower? 8. What is a B&B nursery? 9. Why is drainage an important factor in nursery facilities? 10. Why is water so important for current nursery practices? 11. What’s the best source of water for irrigating nursery plants? 12. How can deer be a potential hazard to nursery crops? 13. What has become a major economic factor or expense of nursery growers? 14. Why is labor in nursery operations a seasonal demand? 15. What is the difference in land requirement per plant in container nurseries versus field-grown nurseries? 16. Name 3 integral parts of a container nursery when planning a layout of a facilities. 17. Name 3 important parts of a field nursery. 18. Why are adequate roads important throughout a nursery? 19. What is the significance of a collection pond? 20. What problems can be associated with water standing because there is no run-off collection? 21. Name 3 different structures that could be used by a nursery to start plants or process them. 22. Define a coldframe. 23. What are they used for at a nursery? 24. Why are hotbeds used? 25. Head houses are important for what activities? 26. What’s the difference in a lathhouse and a shade house? 27. Are overwintering structures only used during the winter time? 28. Why do you need to store soil in a dry location and on concrete? 29. Who regulates the use of chemicals and pesticides by a nursery?