Study Guide & Notes - Fungi The Kingdom Fungi includes _Yeast_, __Molds_, and _Mushrooms_ to name a few. Except for yeasts, all fungi are _Multicellular_. What are fungi? Fungi are _Eukaryotic_ _Heterotrophs_ that have cell walls containing _Chitin_. They are eukaryotes (they have a _cell wall_). They are _heterotrophs_ (they cannot make their own food). They contain _chitin_ (a complex carbohydrate also found in the shells of _insects_). Most fungi are __decomposers_ meaning that they absorb their nutrients from _dead__ or decaying organic matter. Fungi reproduce both sexually and _asexually_ (through the use of _spores_). Multicellular fungi have tiny filament structures called _hyphae_. Multicellular fungi also have reproductive structures called _fruiting_ __body__. __Mushrooms__ are an example of a fruiting body. When you see a mushroom on the ground you are only seeing a small __protein_ of the whole organism. The filaments may extend for several _acres_! Fungi include some of the largest organisms on the Earth. 1. Unicellular Fungi (_Yeast_) Some species are used for _baking_ and brewing. Some species can cause __diseases__ in humans. Athlete’s Foot is caused by a fungal parasite called __XXXXXXXX___ that can cause infection between the toes. Another type of yeast can cause infections in the mouth called _Thrust__ and infections in the female reproductive tract. 2. Common Molds Molds that grow on foods like meat, __fruit_, and bread are in the phylum __Zygomycota_. These reproduce or spread through the use of _spores_, similar to how a plant disperses its seeds. 3. Sac Fungi Sac fungi are included in the phylum __Ascomycota__ and they have a reproductive structure which contains spores. “_puff_ __ball__” fall into this category. 4. Club Fungi These are in the phylum _Basidiomycota_. They are called club fungi because of the __reproductive__ structures that they form. Examples would be mushrooms. Some mushrooms are _edible_ whereas others can be extremely _deadly__. Some fungi produce deadly _toxins_. These are known as __mycotoxins__.