Left Pages

Left Pages
Teacher Choice:
Sometimes left pages are “teacher’s choice,” meaning I will tell you what to put on the left page. Simply complete the
assignment that I give to you and put it in your notebook.
Student Choice:
Many times, the left page is up to you. Remember, the point of a left page is for you to process the information on the right
page and show your understanding the concepts on the right page. When I look at your left page, I need to be able to see
that you understand the right page.
Options for Student Choice:
 Draw a picture (illustrations must also include words)
 Make diagrams (webs, Venn diagrams, T-charts, etc.)
 Writing a reflection of your thoughts, opinions, questions -- like a journal entry
 Comics, cartoons, news articles, etc. WITH a summary of how they relate to the information on the right.