Señora Letina - Spanish 1 & 3 Syllabus

Señora Letina - Spanish 1 & 3 Syllabus
Park View High School - 2015-2016
Planning: Blocks 2, 4, & 7
PVHS: (571) 434-4500
Extra help: M/W @ 8:30AM (and by appointment)
Donations of tissues, glue sticks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes are greatly appreciated!
¡Bienvenido! I am pleased you have chosen a journey with Spanish, and look forward to
working with you! You will be exposed to a variety of speaking, listening, reading, and writing
activities designed to give you a rich introduction to the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking
In this class, we follow the PVHS Way to demonstrate and achieve Pride, Value, Honor, and
Success. All students will:
 respect the learning environment and process.
 arrive to class on time and prepared.
 leave the classroom cleaner than they found it.
 always try their best. They will plan ahead to make that happen.
 respect the feelings, opinions, and property of others.
 ask for help when they need it, no matter how big or small.
 follow directions and be responsible with electronic devices.
 abide by the Honor Code and encourage their peers to do so too.
 encourage others to follow the PVHS Way!
Policies & Procedures:
 Required daily materials: binder with dividers, lined paper, pencil, eraser, highlighter,
red pen, glue stick
 Attendance is strongly encouraged and recommended in order for students to be
 Misbehavior and interruptions from student learning are strongly discouraged and will
not be tolerated. It is not fair to distract classmates from instruction, practice, or
1st Offense: warning
2nd Offense: contact home
3rd Offense: detention
4 Offense: referral to administration
 Tardies will be issued to students who are not in the classroom by the time the bell
rings. This includes at the start of class and after lunch.
1st Offense: warning
2nd Offense: contact home
3rd Offense: detention
4 Offense: referral to administration
 Cell phones and all other electronic devices are to be silent with the screen turned off
during class unless told otherwise. When needed in class, students will be given explicit
directions on their appropriate use. If a student does not follow the electronic device
expectations and/or specific activity directions, the device(s) and/or technology
privileges may be taken away. If a student refuses to hand it over when asked, it may
result in an office referral.
 Food and drinks: Small/non-messy snacks are allowed at the start of class, but must be
consumed within the first couple of minutes. Only drinks with a top are permitted.
Trash must be thrown away. If it becomes a distraction, the privilege may be revoked.
 If requested, make up work can be given in advance of planned absences. For
unplanned absences, up to 5 school days (not five A or five B days) are given to
complete make up work upon returning to school. The sooner it is completed, the
better, to not get further behind.
 Homework will be given due to a need for consistent, regular practice. Completion
grades will be taken for these assignments, but will not be factored into students’
grades. It is highly recommended homework be completed to take advantage of extra
practice. It is also mandatory in order to re-take vocabulary and grammar assessments.
 Regular assessments (both formative and summative) will measure the speaking,
listening, reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar mastery of students.
 Extra credit will not be given under any circumstances, as grades will only demonstrate a
student’s command of the language.
 Students needing help are encouraged to come Mondays and/or Wednesdays at
8:30AM, or by appointment. It is strongly suggested that students receiving below a Bseek help outside of class.
 Let's work together to make 2015-2016 a great year!!! :)