The Roaring 1920’s Chapters 20 and 21 Why were immigrants facing discrimination in the 1920’s? • Nativism- prejudice against foreign born after largest immigration period (1880-1920), job competition. • Isolationism- did not want to get involved in world affairs after World War I experience. What was the Red Scare? • 1919- America was afraid of a Communist Revolution because of the Russian Revolution. • In America, socialist formed the IWW to unite workers. • Palmer Raids- hunted down suspected communists, anarchists, and socialists. Violation of civil rights Who were Sacco and Vanzetti? • Arrested for robbery and murder in 1920. • Italian anarchists • Circumstantial evidence and prejudicial remarks led to their conviction and execution. • Anti-immigrant decision. • Example of prejudice Why did the Ku Klux Klan rise in the 1920’s? • 100 percent Americanism • For white native born Protestants only (antiimmigrant) • 1924- 4.5 million registered members of the Ku Klux Klan. • 1925- parade of 60,000 in D.C. • Resisted the change of modern life in the 1920’s. How was immigration restricted in the 1920’s? • Emergency Quota Act of 1921- Established a maximum anount of people to be allowed into America. Cut European immigration. • 1924- limited immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, and Asian immigration. What were examples of labor unrest in the 1920’s? • Boston Police Strike- put down by Governor Coolidge for the good of public safety. • Steel Mill Strike- Strike ended with little help for workers. • Coal miner’s strike- John L .Lewis got a 27% increase for coal miners. • Union membership declines because of limited gains. What do I need to know about Warren G. Harding? • President from 1921-23. • Washington Naval Conference- limited arms • Fordney-McCumber Tariff- raised U.S. import taxes 60%. Helped American businesses. • Teapot Dome ScandalAlbert Fall and Harding’s cabinet the Ohio Gang created scandal. Tarnished Harding’s legacy. • Died from heart attack. Who was Calvin Coolidge? • “The business of America is business.” • President of the United States (19231929) • Business boomed in the Roaring 20’s. • Prosperity What new technology led to the boom of the 1920’s? • Henry Ford and the automobile • Urban sprawl- cities spread in all directions. • Airplanes • Electrical appliances What was the role of consumer goods in the 1920’s? • Advertisingbillboards and newspaper ads • Installment planbuying goods on credit with payment plans • False sense of prosperity What was urban life like in the 1920’s? • By 1920, more Americans lived in cities than rural communities. • Immigrant communities and cultural opportunities in cities. • Cities seen as dangerous and lacking religion and traditional values. What was Prohibition? • Banning of alcohol in America with the 18th Amendment (1919-1933) • Speakeasies- illegal bars during Prohibition. • Bootleggers- illegally sold alcohol (Al Capone- lead gangster of the time. • Increase in organized crime in 1920’s. What were rural communities like in the 1920’s? • Traditional and religious • Did not want new opportunities in the cities. • Saw cities as a bad influence on their traditional values. What was fundamentalism? • Protestant movement that takes the Bible literally. • Skeptical of some scientific discoveries like evolution. What was the importance of the Scopes Trial? • John T. Scopes was charged with teaching his students the theory of evolution in Dayton, Tenn. • Clarence Darrow was the defense attorney • William Jennings Bryantook the fundamentalist point of view. • Were you with religion or science? • Scopes was found guilty. What was a flapper? • Emancipated woman of the 1920’s who embraced new fashions and attitudes. • Smoking • Drinking • Independent What was a double standard? • Granting greater freedom to men than women. • Do double standards still exist today? What were the new opportunities for women? • • • • • • College Teachers Nurses Librarians Stenographers More time at home because of inventions that made housework easier. What new forms of entertainment were available? • Radio • Gertrude Ederle- swam English Channel • Andrew Rube FosterNegro Baseball • Babe Ruth- Baseball • Helen Wills- Tennis • Charles Lindbergh- flew solo across Atlantic Ocean Gertrude Ederle Andrew Rube Foster Babe Ruth Helen Wills Charles Lindbergh Who were the great entertainers, artists, and writers of the 1920’s? • Movies with sound • Walt Disney • Eugene O’Neillplaywright • George Gershwinmusician (Jazz) • Georgia O’Keefe- art • Sinclair Lewis, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Ernest Hemingwaywriters of Lost Generation George Gershwin Georgia O’Keefe Ernest Hemingway What was the Harlem Renaissance? • Term used to describe the African American intellectual movements in art, music, and literature. • Upper Manhattan is center of the movement. Who was Zora Neale Hurston? • Famous Writer of the 1920’s. • Proud of African American heritage Who was James Weldon Johnson? • Poet, lawyer, and NAACP executive secretary. • Wanted anti-lynching laws • Represented new militant voice of African Americans Who was Marcus Garvey? • Founded Universal Negro Improvement Association. • Radical message • Black nationalism • Back to Africa movement Who was Claude McKay? • Novelist, poet and Jamaican immigrant urged African American to resist prejudice and discrimination. Who was Langston Hughes? • Greatest poet of the Harlem Renaissance • Used jazz in his poetry. • Famous Poem (I Too Sing America) Who was Paul Robeson? • Famous African American actor • Supported the Communist Party and left America to live in England. Who were the leaders of the new art form of jazz? • Louis Armstrongtrumpet player and singer • Duke Ellingtongreat and leader and pianist • Bessie Smith- famous blues singer